Special Report: The Lavish and Leveraged Life of Aubrey McClendon (Reuters, 06.07.12)

All I can think is .... my calculator doesn't have the place value for that many zeros.  wow.  



So, is this the all American kid who started out mowing yards building into an all American enterprise (championing all American energy) who mentored others to do likewise through philanthropy or an evil, corporate robber baron who relies on "sharecropping" mineral owners to reap rewards that he hoards to himself and lavishly favors on friends?  King Arthur or King Midas? 


wow.  80)

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...And, still NO CHK 1st Quarter Reports.... @ June 13, 2012....

...and, They didn't even bother to send any of U.S. CHK mineral owners a Blue T-Shirt...

Gee...  CHK sure doesn't make me feel like I'm # "ONE."



sesport II,

The 80's, 90's, 2000, 2008...  The MF Global's and The BofA's hit U.S. up about every ten years or so...  Same scams...Same scammers...

And JP Morgan's Jamie Damon told Congress Hearing Members...Who have ALL received $$$$ from JP Morgan...and, Who ALL Gave J.D. a PASS... More regulations wouldn't really help...

They will pretty much find/fund Their way right back into U.S. Empty Pocket books until they collect all Our U.S. Dollars for themselves...

There are no such things as Publicly Held Companies anymore...  Just Publicly Funded Privately Held Cash Cows...

IMO, CHK has to show its books and clean up their balance sheet quick, or "skinned" will be more like it.

sesport II,

Some reports say CHK needs 22 BILLION Dollars to clean up their balance sheet...

We have begun to  fool ourselves into equating the sounds of a mere 22 BILLION dollars with the sound of a mere 22 MILLION dollars.   I was born when the sound of a mere One Hundred dollars of debt was a bit scary. 

Yes, the U.S. consumer doesn't stand still long enough to commit much commitment to much of anything anymore.  Fickle and short-sighted and "weary" and bombarded by thousands of "causes" and "conditions" every moment of every day get in Our way of Our responsibilities, rational thinking and  behaviors.  We move like lightening through our days, and spending too much mental time on any one thing just doesn't seem to pay off as much as the flashy allure of the next BIG thing, the next NEW thing, the next FASTEST Pay-Off thing...present company included...

And I suspect that is what drives Mr. Chesapeake, the going from one BIG thing to another BIG thing to the next BIG thing to the newest BIG thing without balancing the time it takes to ponder the real risk management questions that go with the real risk taking of real Peoples' moneys that are REALLY NOT his moneys...to recklessly risk and recklessly waste... 

I do think Mr. Chesapeake "types" get balls rolling fast and furiously, and like hurricanes and "Thunder," they make a lot of noise and affect all who are within their "path."   But for me, these "types" seem to always leave "paths" of some type of distruction behind them...And...THEY NEVER LOOK BACK... That wastes too much of their time.

IMO, We all learn from looking back...

And for the HS "rallying call of 2008," that same "call" is being made all across U.S. still today... The next Play after the next Bigger Play after the next Better Play and still "calling" the Play...

Who is still up front and center... Still Mr. Chesapeake... Only now... Mega BILLIONS of dollars of personal and publicly-held debt. 

Mr. Chesapeake's "calls" for gas production curtailment, cap-ex curtailment, and going "liquid" have all been false statements.  He just keeps pushing CHK into the ground and that doesn't need to happen.

He simply just can't help himself...

If you like high flying rollercoaster rides... I guess CHK Stakeholders are in for the ride of their lives.  LOL

DrWAVeSport Cd1  6/14/2012

Have a great GHS day.



sesport II,

Sounds Seriously Serious to me...  Maybe Cheseapeake and Encana can "share" Mr. Weinstock's expertise in U.S. "anti-trust" laws too...  plot to supress land prices in Michigan... Penn?  OH? AR? TX? LA? KS?...

Looks like Mr. Cheseapeake needs some "advise" on his upcoming  SEC probe too:


DrWAVeSport Cd1 6/25/2012

P.S.  Still waiting of CHK's 2012 1st Quarter Reports...



sesport II,

No.  I'm referring to the CHK 2012 1st Quarter (Quarterly) reports that are to be sent ~ by LA State Mineral Code statute ~ to UMOs/Joint Billing Interests. 

These CHK Reports are sent signed-receipt registered mail each business quarter and include a Quarterly "Statement of Well Costs & Revenues," a Quarterly "Payout Statement," a Quarterly "Production Report," and a Quarterly "Detail of Expenses" Report. 

These "Quarterly" Reports are by "well" only... And are not "published" reports, as far as I know.  They are, however, signed and notarized. 

If any GHShalers are Louisiana UMOs and are NOT getting these "statements/reports," you need to send a certified, signed-return-receipt demand letter to your well's Producers demanding these Quarterly Reports. 

Usually...with CHK... I receive these reports around 2 months plus a week following the close of a Quarter.  It is now going to be July 2012...  and CHK 2nd Quarter 2012 is closing. 

Where are Jan/Feb/Mar 2012????? 

I guess CHK "shot" their  "Pony Express" riders...  LOL

DrWAVeSport Cd1 6/27/2012





CHK update,

Spoke with CHK today...  1st Quarter 2012 UMO Reports mailed out June 24, 2012...per CHK Rep.

I should be signing for them today.


They sure seem to be the corporate upright citizens when things were "cooking", McCotter running around in a CNG Tahoe and handing out computers and other goodies to the locals, they have a real pretty blonde who gets trotted out when needed on the local news, my thoughts too to the employees and their retirement funds etc, but a phone call today with an old player out of Ft Worth he thinks a biggy will come in and buy them right and move Ol Mc along soon he says. We shall see.

IMO the employees and stock holders are already on the rollercoaster and it just started on the first down hill drop.  Too late to bail, just have to ride it out and hope it cruises to a stop.

I remember back in 50's I made the mistake of riding a roller coaster in Galveston..it wasn't until I was on high peak that I realized that it was old, constructed of wood, and NOTHING was holding the cars on track but centrifical force.

Kind of like being with Cheaspeak right now.

So ..we ride it out.


Now..the discussion "what is the bottom, re: ng prices."  I think it has hit the bottom..around $2.20..

The reason I deducted this?  The dow has dropped, rose and dropped again.  NG price has dropped, but it has also rose while dow dropped.  Today its rising yet again.  Not much, but it still going up.

As long as it can rise against the tide of DOW movement means there is hope. 

So..its up to $2.36 so far today...

Maybe some of the export contracts will materialize soon.

So laughing..Nope I was a country gal and I had a "Come To Jesus" moment and pledged NEVER to ride another coaster if I landed intact.

Never take advice from the so called "financial advisors" ..A.G. Edwards handled my account into losses of 80% having put me long ago into the widows trinity of banks, airlines and ..senior moment here..can't remember the other so called safe investment, oh transportation as in freight carriers..

Had it been Fed Ex would have been fine..but RedBall, Chief, Central are no more.  Republic bank zilch, Braniff..opps big time.

I now make my own mistakes and have no one to blame but myself..

I did ok with the real property I bought..but can't advise doing that these days.

My advice to any young ones..buy and pay for whatever you want..do NOT use credit.  If you don't hold the title to it you don't own it...therefore its a liability.

If you have to live in a camper trailer on daddys back lot til you have money to pay for something better, do it.  If you have to make student loans to get educated..do it a class at a time and pay as you go..you might be 40 by time you get degree but you won't owe a million in loans and have cost parents their own security.

If you want a nice car buy a reliable clunker and save for it.

I guess that boils down to don't go into debt..for anything.  And if that cute little East Texas peach you have on your arm demands you do otherwise, let her drop off the tree and onto the ground..you can't afford her. 

Make sure your partner choice is a partner not  high maintainance  eye candy..man up and walk away ...

With regard to today's revelation about CHK and ECA colluding to keep prices down....  I was told that they did it in NW Louisiana too.  One attorney told me that it was very obvious -- that CHK and HK were initially bidding against each other all over the place, and then all of a sudden, one day, CHK bid only in certain areas and HK bid only in others. But, as he said, knowing it goes on is one thing, proving it is another. 

I had also heard this same information back during/near the height of the bidding war and shortly thereafter the price per acre began dropping precipitously.  Mentioned the rumor to a CPA I know who looked somewhat taken aback and mentioned that if true this was a major no-no and the people engaged in it would be running up a lot of legal bills trying to escape a vacation in the federal penitentiary.  If the DOJ was not on Aubrey's trail already along with the IRS & SEC bloodhounds, then they could be soon if that Reuters and AP reports are accurate. 


This is lots more interesting than summer re-runs on TV-keeped tuned for further developments!!!


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