experts--tell us about stacked laterals---I assume they are mutiple lateral legs at slightly different depths in same formation like bossier shale upper vs lower vs haynesville---but are they from same vertical hole or do they require drilling another well vertical bore and then lateral horizontal leg off into same formation one on top of the other. I looking at well that was permitted by GoodRich Petroleum in NNE Shelby county the R Dean Hays (SL) #1H and #2H. The plat look like drilled off same pad site but can not tell if same vertical hole or what---I assume this is good sign they found something good is 1st well that was spud about 5-6 weeks ago and #2H (SL) permitted today--look forward to reading knowledgeable reply to this discussion

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Electro, the concept is a possibility in Pennsylvania because the formations are shallower and lower temperature and pressure.
Adubu, stacked multi-frac horizontal laterals are not technically feasible for the Bossier/Haynesville Shale. That is the reason operator have said they plan to drill separate horizontal wells (including vertical section) to each shale formation.

The TRRC is using the stacked lateral terminology to address multiple wells drilled in the unit to different formations.
Les, are you sure they have to be in different formations? The terminology appears to apply to Penn Virginia's application in the Bossier in the Carthage Field (Link provided above).
SB---that appears to be as outline by Penn Virginia--now question --the fact that Goodrich is doing this after 6 week spud of 1st does this say I like what I see in 1st well or to same money I'll now test the upper bossier with a stacked lateral off the same vertical bore hole and get it tested and save drilling money for 2nd level look?
I'll find out.
SB---Great do you have a contact source that will know Goodrich's thoughts and plans? I am "all ears" for what you find out. My primary minerals for a possible shale well are in the north part of the Joel White A-774 near hwy 7 about 2 miles to the WSW of this well. This well I think will defind my future value of the shale play. Forest also has permitted a vertical possible horizontal well WNW of this well that is due north of me that has not been spud yet guess they will wait and see Goodrich results. Other wells in area west the Walker #1H by EOG and to the south the Harvey #1H by CHK (althought major problem with completion) where disappointments. If one day I get in unit and get drilled and make good shale well then dinners on me.
Aduba, where is the Forest Oil Well permitted? What would it be near and what survey is it on? Would it be off Hgw. 7; if so what well would be nearby? I have some acreage to the east of the Dean--E of Hgw. 7. Thanks!!!
SB, remember that the original "Bossier" in North Carthage included both the Bossier Shale and Haynesville Shale.

I didn't mean to imply it had to be different formations but for the Haynesville/Bossier there would not be a reason to drilled "stacked laterals" in the same formation.
Got you, Les. I agree with that.
Les B---look at the plat for this or these wells look to be stacked in same formations. I am thinking one of lateral in the bossier and the other in lower part of shale aka haynesville so it a test of both parts of the shales that has been productive in other areas
That is what it sorta looks like to me also, Adubu, but I will inquire.
Here are the field rules for the Carthage (Haynesville Shale). Rule 4 addresses stacked laterals.



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