You may or may not completely support the Pickens Plan but he is working hard and a lot of it is very helpful. Please consider contacting your Senators today to ask them to support "moving our national heavy truck fleet from imported diesel to domestic natural gas.
We want the Senate to allow trucking companies – large and small truckers who operate 18-wheelers – to get a tax break for buying trucks that run on natural gas.
If we can get just 350,000 of the 6.5 million 18-wheelers running on natural gas, we can cut our foreign oil dependence by over five percent!
Remember, in December – even with the economy coming to a halt – we still imported almost 380 million barrels of oil. About a quarter of that oil is used for diesel fuel to run 18-wheelers.
That will not only cut down on foreign oil, but it will add jobs as the heavy truck manufacturers hire (or retain) workers to build the new natural gas engines." (copied from the Pickens Plan e-mail).

If the stimulus bill does pass this provision SHOULD be in it. It's a start on something we should all be supporting - increasing the use of CNG as a transportation fuel. This provision could be something you approach your House and Senate members with on a regular basis until it gets approved. Please keep it in mind.

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Realize this has been posted in another thread already but to keep continunity here it is again:

From the desk of T. Boone Pickens
Hey Army! We’re in the trenches and it’s hand-to-hand combat!
Yesterday I did a conference call with the national press along with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) and former White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, to discuss the Energy Summit in Washington, DC later this month.
The big news for the New Energy Army is that both Sen. Reid and Mr. Podesta talked about the importance of natural gas as a transportation fuel in reducing our need for foreign oil.
Yesterday, Sen. Reid said: “If we’re going to convert these big trucks into natural gas, there needs to be some kick in the rear there to get it done. It can’t be done by the private sector alone. This is something that we need to take a look at.”
John Podesta – who was the head of President Obama’s Transition Team - told the reporters that we are going to have to use “natural gas to be able to power, particularly, large trucks and busses.”
I made sure the reporters knew that these “low” oil prices are temporary. I told them, “we will be at $60 oil within two months and by the end of the year we will be on our way to $75 oil.”
This morning I talked with a senior Republican Senator and his staff about the need for those incentives to get 18-wheelers changed over from imported diesel to domestic natural gas. He’s assured us he’s looking at how best to get that into the stimulus package.
If we have a Senior Democrat and a Senior Republican on the same page, that’s a good sign. Harry Reid has stepped up for me and for the Pickens Plan from day one. If he says he is going to push for natural gas, I believe we can take him at his word.
Here’s what you’ve already done: In the last 48 hours you have sent over 30,000 emails to your Senators. I think what I’ve just shared with you proves they are listening.
I need you to keep doing what you’re doing — and I’ll be back



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