"These guys come up here, with their southern accents...."

I had to laugh when I read the part about "them southerners" with their yes ma'am, no ma'am.


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I am a born and raised West Virginian, but I lived in LA for 2 years and married a girl from Pelican almost 25 years ago. We have lived here 23 of those 25 years. My wife still can't get over the food here. Salt and pepper is the only spices used. We have introduced Tony's to most of the family and we can but it at Wal-Mart now. We will be down for Christmas and I can't wait for some good food.
Maybe if they learned some manners they would have better luck with the ladies.
There was a saying by Alaskan citizens while the Alaskan Pipeline was being laid, that "Happimess was to see a Texan leave Alaska with an Oklahomian under each arm"

Most outside construction workers were all called "Pointy-Toes".
That's my thought exactly Checkmateking
ROTFLMDO!!!!! Ohhhh, the irony!! 80)
Recently my son and I were in Maine for some lobster eating and the question I got asked most often was if I was from North Carolina. The Texas accent threw them a real curve I guess. My son really enjoyed the look on their faces when I replied, "No mam (or sir) I'm from upstate New York."

We were recently at a meeting where the buffet meal was a delicious prime rib. I noticed the lady was cutting a little thin. I overheard her say that the sauce was her own recipe and when asked by the guy behind me in line why I was getting so much sauce I said it was because the lady said it was her own creation so it must be good. I saw her move the knife over a little. When I said that anything from her kitchen would have to be good she moved it over a lot more and I got a really nice cut. It pays to be nice to the cooks and servers any where you go.


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