Our lease expired the beginning of July. We have contacted our lessor and requested that they release the lease since there is no production within our section. Is there a legal time limit to how long the company has to respond to our letter? By law, do they have 30 days or 60?Thanks.

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Most leases do not require there to be production in order for lease to remain in effect. I have never seen one which did contain such language. If no drilling has commenced on your land, or any land with which it has been unitized then the lease should have lapsed based on information you gave. If drilling is in progress before lease expiration that will cause lease to remain in effect so long as there are continuous efforts to establish production.
Lorea, you are the "lessor". The company is the "lessee". If there has been no activity such as Aubrey suggests in his response above, you need to send a certified letter specifically requesting the filing of a release.
Skip--after certified request is sent then what time frame or limit does Lessee have to file release?
To my knowledge there is no time frame set by law. Look to your lease, there may be somthing set forth there.
adubu, if I hadn't heard from the lessee in 10 business days I'd see an O&G attorney about filing one for me.
Yes- read your lease- my last two on the Haynesville give them 30 months after which they will either have to renew the lease or forfeit . If they forfeit it shouldn't require any action on my part.

Months or days? 30 months sounds a little strange, but 30 days sort of makes sense.
We must be talking about different lease provisions. My 30 month leases come under the "promise to drill" in 30 months or forfeit the leases and renegotiate.

I would never expect to start drilling in 30 days, but like to keep my options open to move on after 30 months.

My holdings are in Harrison county so lease provisions may be quite different from what you can get across the street in Louisiana.

Steve--they are talking about a lease that has run 3 years and has expired. The Lessee should file a release of the lease in the county clerks record office so any one looking thru records would know these minerals are available to lease. Not all lessee do this unless you request same.
Thanks for the tip about the possibility of needing to file a release- kind of like putting up a "for sale" sign.
My leases are written so that if the lessee doesn't contact me before the expiration date they simply expire and I can release to anyone I want to. The lessee already knows that the lease has expired so I don't need to send them registered letters or anything like that,

Glad I paid a mineral attorney to handle the HK leases. It will be interesting to see what happens when they expire April/2011.
30 months makes no sense at all.
Unless it's trying to sneak 30 months by you by trying to make you think it's 30 days = 1 month.


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