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Any news for this township?
Any word on the drilling in the two sections of this township?
N. J., they are creating a pad off 171 about three miles south of Converse.
Do you know the section?
Yes, T-9,S-21, 13W
Thanks.  That's getting close to me (S30).

Can anyone in the area confirm a drilling rig in place in section 30?  The pad is just north of San Patricio church in the NW corner of the section.

On Friday, Feb. 10, Nomac Drilling Rig #54 reported Rigging Up on the Chesapeake SUMC 30-9-13H #1 in Section 30 - 9N - 13W.  Good Luck.

About 30 days from beginning to end of drilling.  Then a wait for a completion crew.  And then an additional wait if there is not a pipeline connection in the vicinity.  Keep in mind that Chesapeake is planning to keep some production shut-in at current nat gas prices.

I'm assuming that merely drilling a well will not hold the lease if there is not production within some time frame.  Is this correct and, if so, what time frame is there post completion?

Your assumption is correct.  The rest depends on your lease language particularly that defining operations.

The expiration of an Oil & Gas lease when a well is drilled but not yet completed depends largely on the definition of "operations".  Look to see if there is specific language in your lease regarding that term.  If a well is not productive, a dry hole, and the lease term ends the lease has expired.  In the case of a horizontal Haynesville well if a well has been drilled but not yet completed (fracked), the operator will contend, in court if necessary, that operations are on going with a well deemed to be capable of production.



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