I have some leased & some unleased small parcels in T16R14 that I am thinking of selling. What would be the value per ac. in these areas. Also have 1.25 ac leased in 17/14 that is up for lease again in fall 2011 that I am considering selling. IDEAS anyone

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If you're interested in selling, check out (URL deleted by admin) You will find out what the market value of interest in that area. And no I don't work for them. I sold some working interest I had in the Haynesville on energy net and received a fair price through a 7 day auction.

GHS Site Rule 2:


2) There is zero tolerance for unauthorized solicitations and spamming in forums or through the system. Solicitations include veiled commercial posts. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden. The posting of a website, email, phone number or address will be considered a solicitation.

By posting to her private page and requesting her to delete the information after recording it.  Any solicitation containing a website address posted to the Main Page results in driving traffic to that site without any compensation to Keith.  Lots of companies and individuals would like very much to advertise their services on GHS without having to pay for the privilege.  And getting exposure to a membership approaching 17,000 is quite valuable in the world of cyber business.
There is no exception for an "educational" site post in Keith's GHS rules.  In the past he has been quite lenient in what he allows to be posted for the benefit of the membership.  He makes his decisions on a case-by-case basis.  Any member wishing to post "a website, email, phone number or address ", can clear it with Keith in advance.  IMO, an online mineral auction site would fail any reasonable definition of the term, "educational".  And I suspect that the current site advertisers who purchase or broker minerals would not find the promotion of a competing service for free to be consistent with accepted business practices.  My concern is for Keith's right to make the rules and receive the financial rewards of GHS and his other sites.  Nothing more, nothing less.
Skip, you must have something better to do than police a message board right? I'm pretty sure Keith is a big boy and can handle his own business...

ARLG,  ever since the earliest days of the site and particularly after I became one of the original site sponsors almost three years ago, Keith has requested my help, and that of others, in helping him monitor site postings.  Keith's need for that help has only grown as he has started new websites.  All the long time "monitors" have grown accustomed to a little occasional flack from members who do not know the site rules or intentionally disregard them.

sesport, the rule is clear.  If you disagree with the rule I suggest you take it up with Keith.


You are just like Robo-Cop in the cyber world. I meant no disrespect to Keith and his wonderful web page.

I need the site's membership to assist in reporting promotional links that take away from the sites value to my advertisers. Advertising pays the bills. It's difficult to wade through the details of a link and the motivations behind it. So, the easiest thing to do is to discourage those links that aren't primarily educational in nature. And it's not always a black and white decision. I have allowed threads to remain that discuss attorney referrals due to the need for the information. However, I will point out that not one attorney has advertised on this site-oh well such is life.

If someone has info to pass along, there is the private page or there is the intra-site email.

Can we get back to the main point of the discussion?  I'm interested in hearing what others think KCM's minerals might be worth.


(And... I went to that website that must not be named.  it wanted my entire life history, just to sign up for an account so I could browse it.  No way.)

All I want to know is IF anyone has sold minerals in central or southern part of Caddo Parish. I was recently offered a price that I think is low and I just needed any info out there where someone else has had offeres to give me a comparison.  I have buyers (individuals) who are making offers. Of course everyone wants to buy  Desoto minerals, but who wants to give that up.LOL


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