How often is the well information updated and how accurate is it?  The information I'm seeing is about 3 weeks old.  SWN  last update on Brown Dense play was 11/1/2013. 


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I'll assume that your question relates to the operator reporting to the state and the drilling contractor reporting to a rig reporting service.  In my experience there is no minimum standards for reporting well status to the state.  Some operators provide frequent and detailed well reports and some do not.  It is quite common for a rig to spud, drill to TD and be gone before the fist spud report is available on SONRIS Lite.  The drilling subcontractor on the other hand reports every Friday with specific directions to the well site for the benefit of suppliers and associated contractors and sub-contractors who must know how to reach the site.  The detail beyond the location and the number of days drilling are often influenced by the operator so some rig reports will give depth on report date and others will not.  Some will even include the notation, "Tite Hole" meaning there is a moratorium on giving out well information.  The problem with the rig report is that after the driller reaches TD (Total Depth) and sets the last casing string the rig is gone and reports end  There is no reporting services for contractors who complete (frac) wells and a well can sit for days or weeks before completion operations commence.



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