Here is a log from DeSoto Parish showing both the productive Bossier Shale and the productive Haynesville Shale. I have annotated both the top and base of each shale zone. While the log character is similar, the gas in place numbers for the Bossier are slighly lower than the Haynesville. But still good.

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Good stuff!
I wish I could read one of these things.......

I will just take your word that it is good, lol.


jay, where can you take a one day class? maybe on GHS ? lol. seriously, would this fall under cotinuing education classes at the local university ? i would like to learn to read the logs.

In this example what is between the Bossier and the HA? Is this a cotton valley formation?
thanks for posting that jay. i do notice subtle differences between the two. the haynesville seems to have a couple more dark spots if im reading the money shot correctly. this log is from a vert. ? how does a log differ if it is from the lateral of horizontal well, or are logs only run during verticle operations?
jay, do they use the log to decide where to place the perfs?

Petrohawk's map of the Bossier is much larger. Do you think the CHK map is what they are considering the "sweet spot" of the Bossier?
Parker, I'm sorry to ask for help here but I have been trying to leave a comment on your page since yesterday and been trying to email Keith to tell him about it but I can't send emails either. I can only post a comment, I can't edit them. I hate to ask but would you mind sending a note to Keith for me?

Jay, I am so sorry to go off topic on your discussion. I promise to delete this after the problem gets fixed. I just did not know what else to do. I'm sorry.

I've been having the same problem as you have. Keith, whassupp ?

I've been having the same problem as you have. Keith, whassupp ?



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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