We have several wells in Lincoln Parish.  It looks like the frack crews have completed their work and now there is a group from Step Energy Services.

My question is what does Step do?  How can we get initial test numbers?  SONRIS has nothing listed.  When can we expect these wells to go on line?



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Can you name the several wells or provide section-township-range?

It looks as if Step Energy Services is the frac crew.  From the company's website:

Fracturing Solutions

STEP Energy Services' conventional fracturing fleet currently represents 290,000 pressure pumping horsepower with capabilities designed for operations in large, equipment intensive plays such as the Montney and Duvernay. STEP's fracturing solutions come complete with high rate nitrogen units that support both nitrified and foam fracs. Significant opportunities have also been recognized in the Cardium, Viking and Shaunovan; specifically in integrated services and refracturing operations in the WCSB.

Our team of fracturing professionals and business strategy has been built with the same attention to execution, preventative maintenance, HSE, engaged culture and core values that led to the rapid growth of our coiled tubing and fluid pumping solutions.


One of the keys to a successful hydraulic fracturing program is the reliable, safe and efficient delivery of services. STEP’s dedicated logistics professionals ensure the people, equipment, chemicals and proppant are in the right place at the right time:

  • Assured supply of Northern White and domestic sand
  • Multiple trans load sites available to maximize efficiencies
  • Proppant staging to prevent supply issues (on time delivery)
  • Chemical bulk delivery
  • Assured supply of nitrogen and on-site storage


Using our extensive oilfield and engineering experience we are able to create customized fracturing programs so our clients can maximize the production of their well.

  • Customized fracturing stimulation treatments using specialized software (GOHFER, FRACPRO) for the development of frac growth simulations.
  • Real-time treatment monitoring and technical support in STEP’s newly designed frac rooms
  • Unsurpassed knowledge regarding fracture growth behavior modelling, fracture mapping, production data analysis
  • Onsite “real-time” analysis of diagnostic data (DFITs, mini-frac and other injection tests)
  • Production of operational and efficiency related KPIs as part of daily and end of job reports


Frack crew left.  Step is using a large coil reel.  It is this coil tubing that I am curious about.

Yep, that sound like a coil tubing rig.  I think you mean Section 9 - 18N - 3W since there are no 18W townships in Louisiana.  If that is correct, then I'm confused because the last horizontal wells with surface location in that section were completed in the summer of 2015.  Maybe you're referring to a different section?

Lincoln Parish

Section 9



You are correct, I got my N and W confused.

What does the coil rig do exactly?

Coil tubing rigs are used to perform a number of down hole jobs.  Too many to try and list here.  Use the link at the bottom of this reply.  There are 5 MITCHAM 9-16 H wells so the frac jobs may not be complete.  The CT rig you mention may be drilling out plugs and preparing to hook one or more wells to the pipeline.


Yes, I am referring to the Mitcham wells.



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