I have read some great postings on this site. Some good answers from some insightful people. I am pretty ignorant about the mineral stuff, but you have really helped me to become less so.

I have a question, bugging me and I invite your insight on it.

What do you thing the landscape in the HS play will look like if in the next five years the price for gas goes back up to the 13.00 mark. It seems to me there will be a lot of differences in how it plays out, but I just don't know what they would be.

I know that one major difference will be in the level of education on the part of land owners, making them more respected by the O&G, but what all else will change?

What do you think? Please!

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True, but the higher the n.g. price the more money in the budget for leasing, as well as more pressure from investors to increase leaseholds and drilling.
All part of the Boom bust cycle,

low supplies => High prices => More drilling => Oversupply => Low Prices => Not much Drilling => Low supplies
I just read about CHK teaming up with a European company (from Sweden maybe?) in regards to drilling US gas. Does anyone have any specifics regarding this partnership?

Also, are there any national or local laws that prohibit foreign companies from drilling in our shale...OR can anyone compete when it comes to leasing in the area?
The company is called Statoilhydro. After the joint venture is finalize, statoilhydro will own 32% (600,000 acres) of Chesapeake's leaseholds in the marcellus shale areas.

Group out of Austrailia, (Pryme) has already teamed with Nelson Energy on a project or two so I dont think there are many rules in place regarding the foreign drillers on private lands. I believe there may be some in place regarding public lands but I cant swear to it. I believe Mr. Krow may have eluded to such in a discussion the other night.
Thanks Grice and Snake S. Both foreign companies mentioned have partnered with an American company. Has there ever been a foreign company come in and do it alone that you are aware of? I figure US companies would fight such a move with everything they have...
The "Burmah Oil Company" is one foreign company who has been drilling on domestic soil for years.
Thanks Grice!
Thank you for that info, Jim Krow. I figured there had to be some kind of restrictions, otherwise a lot more foreign companies would be stirring in the shale.
These regulations won't prevent a foreign corp. from buying leases from private citizens. Besides, they could always partner up with a domestic corp. anyway.


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