KB posted this discussion a while back and it was a lot of fun. I thought I would bring the subject back up since there are so many new people.

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I do know that ... at certain times of the year ... the surf rolling in & out glowed ... and that was a natural occurance ... didn't need any creative stimulation! :-)
You sure that wasn't Three Mile island.
Yep, been there, done that. (The tide, that is) 3 Mile Island, had already left the vicinity.
Gosh Darn - I hope you're putting that all down for a publisher before there's nobody left to tell about it. :-)
Great things happened in the 60's GD, after all mom and pop created this great master piece that your talking too now. I mean in the 70's that is, a little typo.
Time to upset some people I haven't done it in awhile. Bob Dylan had some of the best lyrics written. But he couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.
He sure couldn't sing and bless his little pointed head, still has a face for radio!!!
I thought he was Jewish.
Thanks for the history lesson GoshDarn. I was wondering how Dylan could be a Shaman and Jewish at the same time! All of the shamans in my family happen to the Native American. Come to think about it, most members of my family are pagans!
National Anthem, Texas style


The Star Spangled Banner

This was at Texas Tech University Basketball game. The National Anthem is sung by five young ladies. An entire arena remains completely silent throughout the song.

The two young ladies on the right are six years old. The two in the middle are seven and the one on the left is eight.

Being from Texas you would think Country, RIGHT!!!! OOOO No! 1980s soft rock ! Got to love the 80s..... Parker, I bet that was something to hear!
Shelley Now, there's alot of songs of the 80s I like!!! Especially Def-Leppard!!!
I'm gonna go out on a limb (many people think that is where my people came from) and say that there is not one of us on this thread that are "pure breeds"! We are all a bunch of Heinz 57's. We may all be curs but everyone knows that curs make the most loyal of pets! But that does lead me to a new blog..............what breed of dog would you be or want to be?
Thanks for the compliment. I find humor in all situations and love to laugh at myself and others.


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