Wildhorse Resources has permitted the apparent first horizontal Cotton Valley well in Claiborne Parish. It is the Harmon 3-34 HC #1 in 3-19N-6W and 34-20N-6W of the Athens Field.. It has a projected vertical depth of 13500' and a projected 6360' lateral. Go Wildhorse!



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Nabors #775

Thanks. Nabors is good about reporting their weekly drilling progress, in contrast to some other drillers.

Derrick is together and the A frame is up. Expect they'll raise the derrick then the floor today. Spud within 24 hrs is likely.

In agreement with your report, the Harmon 3-34 HC is reported rigging up as of 10/17/14, with an expected spud date of today, 10/18/14.

Started drilling yesterday afternoon/evening.

Nabors reports the Harmon 3-34 HC at  3011' as of 10/24/14.

The Harmon 3-34 HC is reported drilling ahead at 7810 feet as of 10/31/2014.

Intermediate casing arrived end of last week. Looks like 7" and 11 - 12k ft worth. First of next week maybe.

The Harmon 3-34 HC is at 9467 feet as of 11/7/14. I don't know if they will drill a pilot hole first before going horizontal, but in any case it seems they have some more vertical drilling to do.

Drilling ahead at 10122' on 11/14/14.

Good progress on the Harmon 3-34 HC this week. They are at 12125 feet as of 11/21/14.

Finished drilling pilot hole to 12,700 end of last week. Logged over the weekend and decided not to drill the lateral. Coming up the hole to a shallower formation to attempt a conventional completion. Casing down and cemented this afternoon. Rigging up crane to start moving the rig.


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