Will every company renew at the end of the first term of a lease if it is cheap enough?

The three years is up in March on the first term. Would every company re-up on a lease if they got it originally for cheap enough? Would they use it for trade to complete a unit?

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Maybe. Depends on the situation, but in general if it is a cheap renewal, especially in this market they will renew.

They could sell the lease, farm out, trade for another lease in a unit they are more interested in, or simply participate as a working interest.
Someone on this site likened it to trading baseball cards! I thought this would be the case as it wouldn't cost much to have it in their pocket just in case they needed it. We took the lease over already in place and it unfortunatley was in the beginning of the frenzy of leasing 3/2006 therefore low bonus.
The lease aftermarket has cooled, but still exists.

There are brokers who survive by being "Blockbusters".

They hangout at courthouses, listning in to conversations, going through trash, looking overshoulders, glancing at copy lists, and somtimes stealing notebooks. They are the true bottom feeders of the leaseing buisness.

They specialize in finding hot areas and breaking a companies block of leases.

Thats why when I'm at the courthouse, you will find me in a quiet corner, forget sitting at crowded tables. I never let my notes out of my hand, i carry them to the bathroom if need be.

And i throw nothing away. I'm like a camper in the wilderness, pack it out.
Why don't you ask them. I just work where i'm told, but the bottom feeders are always around looking for a meal.


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