COMPANY: XTO Energy Inc, ha ra sunn; Blankenship, 1: 243540.
WHERE: San Miguel Creek, S32. T. 10N R. 10W.

DAILY PRODUCTION:781 mcf gas on 13/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 40 barrels water. PRESSURE: 1153 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations,13522-14274 feet, depth, 14622 feet.

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Does 20-10-10 lie on the good or bad side of Natchitoches Island as related to potential Haynesville activity?

George I'm afraid any section in 10-10 is too close to the top of the Island.  To find economic Haynesville Shale you must go west at least 6 miles.  12 would be better.

Skip, are you aware of any HS activity in Section 30 10N 10W.  I have searched, but not been able to find anything.

Paw, there is none.

Any news on XTO extending the San Miguel Creek Field units to test the Hosston formation, Natchitoches and Sabine Parishes.

XTO is steadily drilling the shallow Wilcox in LaSalle Parish.  No recent unit applications and no pending well permits in Natchitoches and Sabine.

Here is a copy of the pre-application notice that was mailed out last week by XTO.  Very interesting that it is the Hosston Zone and in a section already held by production.  I am interested in any speculation from the experts also.


XTO paid quite large bonuses for the leases HBP'ed doing so early in the Haynesville Shale Play.  10N - 10W turned out to be the end of the productive HA basin in that area.  XTO did find some productive James Lime and drilled one good well however it is dry gas and is not economic at current NG prices.  The Hosston unit application is interesting in that there are no historic Hosston wells in the San Miguel Creek Field.  XTO however does have well logs from their Haynesville wells and must see potential in the Hosston.  The depth definition of the Hosston Zone in the San Miguel Field would appear to indicate the likelihood of hydrocarbons in liquid form.  I think XTO may be interested in the possibility of wet gas wells with sufficient condensate and NGLs to be economic.  I think XTO will drill a test well or two to learn more about the reservoir.  If they like what they see they then can decide whether to drill vertical wells as they are doing currently in the Wilcox Formation in LaSalle Parish or drill horizontal wells as numerous companies are attempting in other areas at similar depths for the CV and LCV.  I think the Hosston is a candidate for horizontal development in a number of areas.  It's good see that XTO is interested in exploring the Hosston in San Miguel Creek Field. 

The application says they are going for the gas and condensate zone at 7K-10k feet deep as measured by electrical log.  I wonder if these liquids are what the seismographers found when they extended the survey south of Evelyn to include Ajax area?  Background, they ran a survey that ended just a little south of evelyn area in 2008 and came back in 2009 time frame and ran another and I was told they were running another survey because they liked what they saw on the southern end of the survey.  I asked if it was the Bossier Shale and they said NO that they knew where that was.  If I remember correctly CHK, PHWK, and Shell paid for the survey.

The 3D seismic shot in that time frame and in that specific area was associated with plans to drill the Haynesville Shale as far as I know..  I'm not sure if it would have shown the hydrocarbons you mention at shallower depths.  The stratigraphic sequence loses its conformity as it enters Natchitoches Parish and approaches the geologic feature called Natchitouches Island.  There is increased faulting and folding which makes seismic returns less definitive.  I think that this interest by XTO is more likely based on the wells they have drilled, cored and logged in the vicinity.  Possibly that science correlates with features noted in the seismic.  That's all above my pay grade.  I just want them to drill some wells.  Soon.  Good Luck.

olddog, it's the same unit application that Brian posted on June 2.  His was a pre-conference notice letter.  I've started a new discussion since the application has now reached the Commissioner's Public Hearing schedule.  By starting that new discussion I hope to bring it to the attention of the members of the group who are not participating or following in this discussion.



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