Where did you vote? Long wait? Short Wait? Any thing else note worthy?

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You too, I don't want to take from the celebration or sound like sour grapes.
Probably best I should stay out of politics maybe one day I'll learn.
D...please stay in politics. We need people who care about our country bouncing around their ideas in other's heads. Speaking of sour grapes, I'll pour us both a glass of my special sake mixture (sour rice, I guess!!).

I do agree with Bob...I was very moved by Senator McCain's speech! I wish he had displayed this positive, inspiring side much more often during the months he walked on the campaign trail.
That sounds so good you might have to pour us two drinks.
I really think that is the measure of the man. McCain is a good
man who loves his country I would expect no less from him.
REALLY great stuff! The pears really bring out the subtle flowery taste of the sake. Never thought I would add 'moonshine maker' to my list of talents!
I've alway's stayed within my standard and the people on this thread know it because they read it everyday. The only term I have ever used that might even been considered in bad taste is Great One, just read my discussion page.

But don't think for a second that the rules have change for everybody because Obama is president.
I've listen to the press both news and print and people on this site and everywhere else bash conservatives for 8 years. The ball is in your court now better get used to it.
You sound like a man of character and a man who keep's his word.
I agree with what you said it's a very good post. I now have a new President and
I hope God grants him the wisdom and the courage to the lead the greatest country into the future.
You take care my friend.
Hey Goshdarn...you and D made my night! I've had a BLAST chatting with both of you in here!! On a sour note: it hasn't been as much fun coming here since the elections. SO much animosity, intolerance and negativity floating around in these threads.

I think the point to remember is that most of us are passionately concerned about the future of our country, though we may pledge our support to different political parties or groups in an effort to connect to the USA. Though I may not personally agree with what some in here may have to say about Obama (personally I think he is a BRILLIANT man!), I can appreciate and respect the differences in opinion. Actually, it is those same differences that give me the opportunity to re-evaluate my own narrow opinions and feelings. That, in my opinion, is a good thing!

Do I think Obama is GOD? No...simply a man who is confident in his ability to institute change. Will he do some good? I think so. Will he make mistakes? Sure, of course he will. Anyway, America has decided on its new leader...so we can either get behind our future president, stand in his way or become apathetic and get out of the picture all together.

Thank you both for the civil, enlightening discussions. It's people like you and others in here dedicating your time to helping us in the shale that makes coming online and reading posts so incredibly worthwhile. Again...thank you both for the warm sentiments!! Stay healthy, happy and blessed!! I hope to be able to share a cup of coffee with you during a trip home to the States one of these days...
Thank you! I am honored to be friends with you. Please continue to make those wonderful contributions you do...they are much appreciated.

You brought back some wonderful memories with the "iced tea for dinner" comment. Mom is from GA: DAD from Shreveport. Yep, we too had our share of (sweetened) ice tea. When I visit my sister in Florida, she always takes me through the local drive-thru convenience store for sugar with a touch of ice tea! I feel like I'm drinking a dad burn sugar cube (and she wonders why her kids can't sit still!!). By the way, are you a fan of green tea?

Stay well...
Hey GoshDarn! Sounds like a GREAT store. I'm more into healthy eating...well, eating grilled fish and brown rice for breakfast 5 days out of the week will do that to you I guess. I've had green tea in the States...sweet, right? It's unsweetened here. Actually, Japanese friends think it's strange to add sugar to green tea....but green tea chocolate and ice cream is a HIT! Go figure....
I have paying for lazy people not to work for my entire 33 year working career no matter which party is in charge. American politics have become a nonstop bad joke. I voted for Mccain myself, but people are simply sick of the BS, thus we have President Obama.
I voted at Southwood High School this afternoon after work and there were only three people ahead of me in line. The only problem I saw was the lady who was supposed to reset the machines after each voter was never where she was supposed to be, and sometimes people had to wait for her. Other than that, it all went really smooth.
I worked the polls in Sabine Parish, LA. It was the biggest turn out I have ever seen. McCain was in a clear lead in our District.


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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