Today I got a letter from Hargrove,S,S & Langley Law firm representing Samson Contour Energy. Their intent is to create 10 new units in the Cotton Valley/H-Shale zones Res A Longwood Field, Caddo. (181404-10 and 181501 & 12). Item # 2 says Samson intends to "Force pool and integrate all separately owned tracts in accord with La State Law, with each tract sharing in unit productionon a surface acreage basis of participation. How does this stack up with going thru a land man? Enlighten me please.........

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Replies to This Discussion

Hey Jerry there are 2 or 3 discussions main page & 3 or 4 in No. Caddo. I don't know I'm in same boat 18/14/4 see current Samson discussions in Main.
Jerry, what sec are included?
T18 R14W Sections 4-10 & 15 & 18N R15W Sections 1 & 12 only I think someone Grice has posted a map on the Main page discussions.



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