I tried sending a message to all members of this group.I'm not sure if I did it right, the notice is from the Shreveport-Blanchard Assoc.

A meeting will be held at Creamer's Furniture Store on July 16th at 6:30. We will be meeting with a representative from Chesapeake. He will present us an offer. We are told by the guy that set the meeting up that the offer will be for a minimum of $18,000 an acre. He is interested in land within a 5 mile radius of the Shreveport-Blanchard Hwy.

I'm not sure what [Section/TS/Range] this includes, but I plan to attend because I live in the Blanchard area.

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Replies to This Discussion

We have been organized for just over a month. We have had numerous meetings. I have posted invitations on this blog for each meeting. Where have you been Ray? We would have been glad to have you join us even though you aren't in our area.
I live in TS18N R14W....
Contact me at cdwhauser@hotmail.com. I can tell you all about our association.
Robert Creamer of Creamer's Furniture Store asked Steve Thrower of Oklahoma to meet with about a dozen residents to present an offer of $18,000 an acre. Imagine his surprise when he entered the store to find more than 200 people there! He had never addressed a crowd that large and was very nervous when he first started. He informed everyone there that the offer was for those that lived within a 5 mile radius of the store and that he could not guarantee others living further away that same amount. He did tell us that under no circumstance should we ever sign with a person or company that charged a commission. He stepped on the toes of Arnie Castellano and his father in law whom just happened to be at the meeting! There was also a landman from Manna present. Steve took information from us and will give that information to Chesapeake when he goes back to Oklahoma. Supposedly, they will tell him the amount he will be authorized to offer others in this area.
We were able to talk to him after everyone else left. Many times in the course of the night he told us that the $18,000 was his final offer. I maintain that his first offer will not be his LAST offer.
I was at the meeting as well, and was the one who went up and asked the man who he was working for. He announced early on that he "worked for Chesapeake, but didn't work for Chesapeake", etc., etc. He was NOT from Chesapeake's home office, but works for Basin Management Group. That is the name of the acquisition company he told me he works for. Just be careful. I feel he misrepresented himself from the beginning....
I have to disagree with you ResearchMommy. He told us straight out who he was with. It was our association that was expecting to be talking to a Chesapeake man. That is what we were told by Robert Creamer. We all found out differently when he was asked who he works for. He did in no way try to make us think that he was a "Chesapeake man". He is working exclusively with Chesapeake on the Haynesville Shale lease acquisitions.
He will offer us the least amount that he can so that he can make a bigger paycheck. He led us to believe that he could offer no more than the $18,000 an acre. I still say, hold on a few weeks to see if that final offer really is a final offer.
Cathy did you get a copy or pic of the map?...did you see my place on there?.. :-}
Everyone rushed the table when Steve opened up the maps. I couldn't have gotten within 5 feet of the map if I had tried! I did see it later that night and it would appear that you are on the fringes of the area of the darker shading. I would tell you to call him and he will look at his map and be able to give you a ball park figure.
What I question is his statement that $18,000 is his top offer. No way do I believe that!
Here are Steve Thrower's contact numbers:
cell 405-550-1978
office 405-235-4949
email lndmn@coxinet.net
I agree with Cathy.... not mis-leading, but not his final offer. I looked at the map and 18W 15N seemed to be included entirely, but I could be wrong. Like Cathy said, it was a bit crowded around the map and once I saw my township and range, I gave others an oppotunity to get close. The only other thing I felt was important "news" was that CHK apparently has a rating scale for land, A being the most desirable, down to F. The area he offered 18,000/acre and 25% for was rated a B. He also said he wouldn't be surprized to see royalty % go up, and alluded to someone (or some group) getting 32%.
what about C-F,... F being the lowest what does it go for?
If you land is deemed in the F category, you will have to PAY him to lease it!!!! Just kidding. He didn't allude to what his lowest offer is on land other than our B-rated land. I still think he is bluffing. We may very well be sitting on A-rated land.


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