I just heard that CHK did give Arnie a deal for the group he signed for 15,250. My friend had also heard there may be some problems with the checks but I have no firm information on that. Good for those that signed and I'm happy for you. Even better for Arnie - he got rich. Am I sorry I didn't sign with him and I am now a hold out? - NOT ON YOUR LIFE. The only one who is going to reap the rewards of my acreage is me and the O&G company. Of course this is good news for the rest of us unsigned folks because I believe the bar has just been raised and perhaps those "chump change" deals will go away. So what if the lousy offers were pulled - better ones are still come.

Views: 208

Replies to This Discussion

You can always try www.northparkestates.net. If not, Force Pool is always an option. NPE has about 850 people to register so far. That is not including everyone either. Don't give up. Hope the very best for you and your family
Thank you for your encouragement. I'm glad the association is doing well and I have referred several people to you. I just don't think my situation lends itself to the usefulness that a large group provides. The unsigned landowners in my particular section are in touch and hope to deal together as a small group.

I almost deleted this thread because of the direction it took, and I think a lot of people misunderstood my original post and put words in my mouth so to speak. But I'm not going to bother defending what I wrote other than to say it was not directed at the landowners, but the fact that we really won't know the true market value of the acreage because the broker's contract allowed for non-disclosed compensation.

You might give Johnny Dempsey at D&S Mgmt a call to see what he can do for you. There is no undisclosed payment and they seem to be very reliable. The commission is very reasonable---at least I think it is. Their number is 470-6056. Being out of state and not having lots of acres, I think an agent is right for me and this contract seems to be the best I've found. That is, IF you are looking to use an agent for your group.
The only way to know the true market value is to play mineral companies against each other. It's also a case of supply and demand, as well as gowing knowledge and other factors. We have many "Top Leasers" to sign up also. We will see what happens with them.If you or you group ever needs any help let me know. Not an expert by any means, but I love helping people. Again good luck and God bless.
Just spoke with a friend who signed with Arnie. He got his check yesterday.
Hi i am also new to this site have approximately 5 acres in 18-15-11. I finally gave in an signed with Mr. Castillano (was not on the initial list) but was told that he would need a few extra people to fill in the required 90% he would need because some people were finding out they didn't own there rights and others had actually already signed with someone else. Anway I signed up and and after calling the other day was told that the original list was guaranteed the 15,250 and some had already gotten their checks and they were 80% sure that they were going to include those that signed late but could not guarantee this. Has anyone else heard anything else. They said I could send a letter and get off the list if I wanted but to be honest I was kind of hoping that this was a done deal.
I hope NPE have better luck than EZMinerals.com.

they sent out bids to atleast 35 interested parties.

NOT one decent bid.....!!!
Ray did you get my email? Did you understand kind of what I mean?
thanks for the personal touch..... I will take heed.
Happy to say that i got my check today (did not have as much acreage as i thougt but thats my own fault) anyway went straight to the bank and split it with my sons. Notice i said check was not a draft. I was skeptical of this deal also and did pay 5 per cent but I am happy and needed this done and off my mind. I was in 18-15-11 and got the 15,250.00. I beleive the lease I signed covered all the bases i wanted it too. So just want to thank everyone for all the info I learned from this site. Kathey
has Arnie started another leasing deal?...
Hi can't say that he actually has another deal going but the way it was explained to me was that when he has someone drop out (did not really have the right to lease or leased with someone else) he is keeping a kind of fill in list. I was not on his original list but just go tired of this whole mess and lost my job so i needed the money. I think it was about 4 or 5 weeks ago that I went in an signed to lease through him. But got a check last friday not a draft and not telling anyone what to do but the lease had everything I was told to put in it. So I am happy. Thanks Kathey


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