I just heard that CHK did give Arnie a deal for the group he signed for 15,250. My friend had also heard there may be some problems with the checks but I have no firm information on that. Good for those that signed and I'm happy for you. Even better for Arnie - he got rich. Am I sorry I didn't sign with him and I am now a hold out? - NOT ON YOUR LIFE. The only one who is going to reap the rewards of my acreage is me and the O&G company. Of course this is good news for the rest of us unsigned folks because I believe the bar has just been raised and perhaps those "chump change" deals will go away. So what if the lousy offers were pulled - better ones are still come.

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Hi! I also wanted to post a comment stating that I got my check from Arnie as well...about 3 weeks ago. Everything went smoothly. Took it straight to the bank and they didn't even put a hold on it...and it was a pleasant size (at least to a small town girl like me)! I am very glad I took his deal. The contract was great and I feel well protected by all the clauses. I did my research and knew what it should contain and it has it all. I think the timing was perfect for the amount we all got with him.....I hope everyone else does as well :)


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