I am starting this fresh thread as a hub for any new information about leases, drilling results, rumors, ect. for North Caddo. Please limit information to areas of Caddo from T18N and beyond. I know that due to the difficulty in leasing in this area that we are all thirsty for new information.

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Not specific to area but good article about a landman in S'port Times 8/22
On August 21st, Goodrich drew a permit for a Haynesville well (#238486). S28T19NR15W. Good news for those of you in that section.
I just saw that Petrohawk had a permitted well in 28-18-16. Can't get the well # right now...I guess the website is down. Do you have any info on this one (update)?
P.S. Wish they would hurry up and put a H.S. in our section (22-19-15). Hey, maybe close to Xmas. lol
I have no clue what they were doing up in our area but we saw a pickup with a Chesapeake sign on it pulling out from a side road on to 71 yesterday afternoon. This was between Hoston and Mira, along about where I-49 is supposed to cross 71. For all I know he could have been up there visiting a girlfriend or something, but, who knows? Anyway, this ought to get the pot boiling.
Does anyone have a clue as to anything going on in Section 23/18/16? If someone has a lease that "covers only all rights below the base of the Fredericksburg formation," would that mean to the center of the earth or just rights below the Fredericksburg formation?
So, what's going on in 19 15? Have you seen any new activity in the last few days? Section 22 here.
Thanks Gatr, That is what I thought. Let's just hope that Exco or someone will go into the existing well and go deeper at least.
To be filed in the "Rumors" folder.

I just read a report where, on September 15th, the government is going to place tighter restrictions on energy speculators. As you may be aware of, it is those speculators who "persuade" the cost of oil. With tighter restrictions placed on the speculators, they will have to provide evidence of their reports. This will disable them from driving the market up, unless they can show validity in doing so. This will "encourage" speculators to provide more realistic reports, which is estimated to show the true future of oil. This may also cause the price of oil to drop, and the price for alternative fuel to rise. As the price for alternative fuel rises, the desires from the O&G companies to acquire property will increase. This can funnel down to the mineral rights owners, allowing for a more stronger presence at the negotiation table. While there are no guarantees, this is something that should be evaluated before signing any lease before the scheduled September 15th date.

Also note, the alternative fuel tax is scheduled to expire in December of this year. If that tax is not extended, the O&G companies will be crippled. This could also funnel down to mineral rights owners, resulting in a decrease in offerings. There is little doubt the O&G industry will lobby to extend the tax, but there is no guarantee they will be successful.

Basically, this would set a time from between early October and late November as the ideal time for the mineral rights owner's to negotiate the greatest return.
Awesome! We have a lease that will expire at the end of the year on 40 acres in DeSoto. Recently found out that Chesapeake purchased that lease...so we are really hoping that we get an offer to extend the lease or sign a new lease in that time range. =)
Where has Shalelover been? I miss her.
On a world tour. Spending her bonus money!
LOL Cat, u r so funny...she didn't invite me tho...I just have to drool over trips won on Price is Right for now....Had to pay for an overseas trip myself on a buy now pay later plan...it was a safer time tho...


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