I've been meaning to post this since April when Exco Superintendent of Operations, Shelby Field (that's what they call our area), Kenneth S. Filardo Jr. and the Construction Superintendent _______ (I am so sorry (did I say embarrassed, too?) for being old and forgetful... and I don't remember your name... but you and Ken were both wonderful hosts) treated a group of mineral owners (and me... ) to a fun and tasty lunch in Nacogdoches at Clear Springs Restaurant.  After lunch we followed Ken to Chireno for a whirlwind tour of the new Exco office building and warehouse, which will eventually be headquarters to some 200 oil & gas professionals working in the East Texas "Shelby Trough" (High Five, Chireno!) and Exco well sites.

After we donned our safety gear we looked at the new construction and then continued on to all most of the Exco locations south of Chireno, with emphasis on the Walker Units.  I later learned that the Gomez A #1H was being completed that day and was probably way too crowded with men and equipment to accommodate a bunch of sight-see'rs.

We did get a good look at the Walker A #1H which had just been frac'd but was waiting on a part so they could begin flowing back the well.  It was later IP'd at 26.480 MMcfd (G-1) after being choked down from it's initial flow of 31.50 MMcfd.  

Then a couple of us, who were heading East anyhow, went on a driving tour of the locations north of Denning, up FM 354, in San Augustine County.  I will warn you now... if you didn't grow up on these dirt roads... or work on them every day, don't go there without a guide or a good map.  FM 354 eventually turns to dirt and rock and, the further north you go, the smaller and more crooked and winding the roads become.  It would be really easy to lose your way up there but, never fear, the area is so busy with gas development that someone would find you... eventually. 


It was a fun and informative day and I want to thank our hosts for being so attentive and patient with a bunch of rookies and their endless questions about gas production. 

Shalers, I hope you enjoy the pictures. .




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Views: 381

Replies to This Discussion

Jiffree1, I wonder how much progress has been made on the Field Office since the day of the tour.  I bet it is no longer just a shell of a building.  Have Exco employees begun to move into the building yet?  In addition to the Walker wells in Nacogdoches County, I believe the Owens 1-H, Patterson 1-H, Greer 1-H, and the Holloway 1 & 2 H wells in San Augustine County were on the tour for those folks heading east.  I agree that Ken Filardo, the Superintendent of Operations and the Construction Superintendent (I've also forgotten his name because he didn't have a business card with him) were very kind and informative.

 By the way, your pictures were great!

Happy 4th of July to all you Shalers.

SB, I haven't been to Nacogdoches County since the tour.  Maybe some of our members in that area could give us an update on the new office building (pictures would be good).  Exco bought a site directly across the road (Hwy. 21) from the historic "Halfway House", a rest stop on the El Camino Real, for those who don't know where the new buildings are located.  This may be the biggest thing to happen in the town in the last 30 years.  Exco expects to be in the area for a long time to come.
I will have an update on the new office at Chireno as soon as I can get all the pictures uploaded.

The new building looks great!  I didnt even recognize the area when I was there last month.  Jeff Clark was the other EXCO superintendant that toured with us  : )


I went back a couple of months ago and took more pictures (some are on my page) and I had a chance to visit with Jeff for a few minutes.  He's a nice guy and really patient about answering newby questions. 

Where have you been hiding?  Hope you guys had a great Christmas and New Years Eve.


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