Has anyone heard anything on the Sunshine Unit well? I heard that drilling began, but nothing more.

Thank you for any additional info!

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Is the well just off 95? I am also interested in just where it is?
The rig moved off last week so they have finished drilling.  Now you have to wait... some more.  It could be a couple of months (best case) before we hear anything more or it could be a much longer wait.

Has anyone seen any activity lately on the Sunshine? Thanks.


Completions 3/22-3/28/11:

  • Mary Waldron Deep GU #2H, NFR Energy: 7.952 MMcf/day IP, 22/64" choke, 4,615 psi; Perfs: 11,712-15,568, length: 3,856 ft.; Carthage Field (Haynesville Shale), Harrison Co., Survey: WATSON, W, A-748
  • Sunshine GU 1 #1H, Samson Lone Star: 14.399 MMcf/day IP, 18/64" choke, 9,550 psi; Perfs: 14,258-19,228, length: 4,970 ft.; Carthage Field (Haynesville Shale), Nacogdoches Co., Survey: CHIRINO, J A, A-17


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