does anyone know whether they have moved the drilling rig in yet.
i viewed the location a week ago and it appeared that they were all
but done. the well is permitted to begin drilling by july 1.

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I heard the well might be put on hold due to surface rights issues.I live out of state,so if you see any rig movements,I sure hope you will keep us informed.Thanks.
Do you know the Township, Range and Section number this well is in?
S12 T18 R23
Thanks, I have mineral interest in T18 R21.
Mr. Sanders,
The company is Brammer Engineering,here is a link to there application with the AOGC.
I agree with you.If you look on the websites of the two companies involved,they both show that they represent the majors from time to time and confidentiality and anonymity are some of the advantages they offer their clients.
I did not think that Brammer would be $ source. About 6 months ago when checking on my land in Horsehead field I observed man from Chesapeake cruising that area on ATV and became suspicious they were up to something. I suspect they or someone may be interested in obtaining Jeems Bayou leaseholds.
We are only a few miles east of the Brammer location and there has been much leasing activity all around us

Jeems Bayou currently operates 1 stripper well in Horsehead field in the Petit lime and is holding leases from 1950"s and paying 1/8th royalty. This well does not produce in sufficient quantities to maintain leasehold on the approximately 2,000 acres in this fieldwide unit. I am looking for mineral owners in this field who will join with me to try to get this unit de-commisioned so that we might lease our lands based on current conditions. If you know of landowners in Horsehead Field I would appreciate it if you could inform them of my efforts and ask that they contact me. .
Look on the AOGC report for 05/21/2010. The well # is 43526 and was permitted to 9900' TVD and MD if 13800'. To my knowledge, this is the first lower Smackover permitted with the horizonal permitted with the well permit. At least 3 wells were permitted TVD only. TWO of the wells have been drilled and the horizonal was never permitted and were P&A. A third TVD well has been permitted near Crossett, AR but I do not think drilling has started.

Thanks. Now I recall that someone had told me Brammer Engineering. I know them as they oversaw the drilling of a well (Monk #1) in s12, t23n/ r9w in NS-_RR Field. I have WI in that well.

I presume that Brammer is contracted to oversee drilling operations and engineering for operator.
Concerning the Horsehead Field - My family owns a small acreage (51 acres)held by that small production (if you can call it production). I would like to help in getting it released. We have recently leased our remaining acreage. I haven't received payment for any oil since September of last year.

I am going to re-double my efforts toward getting the fieldwide unit dissolved. I have talked to an attorney in Magnolia by phone and I will have appointment to see him next time I am down there (soon). I live in Arizona but am down there frequently as I am in O & G business in N. LA.

If you know other landowners in the field I would appreciate you letting them know of my efforts. I also would like to know how I might get in touch with you or your brothers. Should you wish you can reach me at (480) 993-8048 (cell) or by e-mail at Thank you for replying to my postings.



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