I have been contacted by a landman to lease in this area. The offer is $400.00/acre, 1/5 royalty for a three year lease. I am looking for info for this area. I know that most leases are for 25% these days. Any news on the wells in this STR? Thanks

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The well in section 22 is not producing. They dropped part of a bit in hole while cleaning out. They fished for it for several days. I thought they were successful but maybe not. I'm not sure they fracked it.
Endeavor Energy Resources LP, ha ra suf; Wickett etal 27 h, 001: 240419. WHERE: Bellevue, S 22. T. 19N R. 11W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 1155 mcf gas on 20/64 choke; 37 barrels 62 gravity condensate; 391 barrels water. PRESSURE: 900 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 8709-13345 feet, depth, 13405 feet.
Where is this well located in Section 22?
Winston, keep in mind that this is a horizontal well. The surface location is in the SW corner of Section 22, more particularly 200' FSL (From South Line) and 700' FWL (From West Line). The lateral, producing portion of the well bore is in Section 27.
Skip (or others in the know) ...

What do you figure there cost is to drill these wells? Are you still looking at $6-$10 Mill ?
Depending on depth and if everything goes right, ~$10M.
let me know also whats going on in Bellvue I have 30 acres on 157 right along the asphalt.


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