AIX has within the last few months permitted 9 vertical wells in Township 23N Range 7W (East Haynesville Field) of Claiborne Parish, 8 of which were permitted or drilled to a depth sufficient to test the Brown Dense (see the "LSBD wells as of 2-3-2012" discussion in this group.)

Completion results have been reported at SONRIS Lite for 3 of these wells and perforation data reported for a 4th. Interestingly, each of these 4 wells seems to have been completed or perforated in a different formation or zone. The Hardin #1 was completed at 10430'-10520' in the Upper Smackover A zone; the Hardin #2 was completed at 10132'-10247' in the Haynesville sand; the Garrett L&T was completed at 11442'-11475' in the Lower Smackover; and the Camp et al. #1 has been perforated at 10876'-10940', which looks like the Upper Smackover C zone.

It must be nice for the operator to have so many zones from which to choose!

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Jackie, The well I made reference to is serial #169255 was drilled in 1980 by Cotton Petroleum Co. TD was 11,500Ft. Name of well is Smith C

The Brown Dense, I believe. The drill bit is a great geologic mapping tool. Regardless of whether or not Brown Dense proves out there will be oil found as a result of BD drilling as I pointed out several years ago. I think AIX drilling will provide map to BD horizontal locations.

AIX now reports their GARRETT L&T #1 as re-completed in the Haynesville.

RECOMPLETED 2-17-12; GAS; HAYNESVILLE; 200 MCFD; 50 BBLSD; 68 BWD; 100# CP; 100# FP; 47.5 GVTY; PERFS 9910-10400' MD

Any AIX fans notice the discrepancy between the Camp Etal #2 completion reports on SONRIS Lite and SONRIS Classic?  I checked the Allowable Report just to see which one it confirms.  The IP data on SONRIS Lite doesn't list the 200 BOPD, just the 300 MCFD of gas.  The Well Test section of the well file does list the condensate.


DT-1 04/30/2012 05/01/2012 200 325 50 400 1200 14 10250 10349

Skip:  Sonris lite has been doing that a lot lately.  I've noticed it on over 10 wells in the last few months.  I'm not sure if its something official they are doing(only posting gas for gas well or oil for oil wells in sonris lite), someone being lazy, or the operator not reporting it right. 

Chester, I think the databases are just set up differently and we have to be knowledgeable about where to look for the specific information.  For example the Lease/Unit/Well Production portion of the SONRIS Lite Well File does not list condensate production.  Condensate is included in the total oil reported.  I suspect operators are reporting accurately and database staff are posting data according to the design of the database.  Thanks for confirming that this is an ongoing and wide spread occurrence.

This seems to be a re-play of what happened several years ago in the Moreland well just east of the Garrett L&T. It also produced for a short time from the Lower Smackover, before being re-completed in the Haynesville. As The Baron said in another discussion, vertical wells in the Brown dense seem to peter out quickly. Let's hope horizontal BD wells hold up much better.

Smaller companies, Petro Chem and JAG being good example, have been making economic vertical wells in the Haynesville Sands as their primary operating strategy in the recent past.  I just wish the liquids were more prolific across their portion of N. LA. 

Obed, my particular point here is that Well File IP data does not include oil/condensate in these wells.  That data is in the Well Allowable Test section or in the Final Completion Report on SONRIS Classic.  Now that nat gas prices are so depressed, liquids become so much more important to well economics.

Skip, i was replying to your message of May 14 concerning the Garrett L&T well being re-completed from the Haynesville sand, but the reply went under your message of May 21.

Ah, the eccentricities of website protocols.  We'll just have to muddle through as best we can.  Gotcha.  LOL!

Aubrey, your comments abt other SMK wells acting as indicator make sence to me.

Here are two other uper SMK gas wells that send a helpful check despite depressed dry gas:


the links don't work.



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