There are multiple rumors about SWN and the brown dense, Im starting a discussion where all rumors are welcome.

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Bad news for all N. Louisiana H.L. Hunt wannabes in the LSBD play. Whiting has shut down leasing and has experienced at least three "twist offs" in their Claiborne unit. Big over run and delay. More people than Willie need a shoulder to cry on; Penterra and Miller told to shut it down. Sorry, Dave. Looks like the Cotton Valley has a curse, at least for now. No Bakken for the homers.

A curse that includes 552 bbl in addition to the gas.  We should all be so cursed.

Thats one helluva well.

SWN can't fund their project. Whiting can't drill a well. Casing is collapsing. WB don't have the money to fund their 350 bopd well. Takes 3 years to run 6 mile pipeline. H2S serious problem requiring big money fix. Cotton Valley has a curse. N. Louisiana screwed !!!

Thanks guys !! I really thought there was a problem until I realized this thread's title.

I would not worry about a curse or the competency of the operators, just concerned about the price level of oil. I hope it continues to hold up for an extended investment in LSBD. Bernanke is winding down and things are not looking good in China. As a matter of fact, looking scary at this moment. All of us know how prices can collapse in the middle of a good thing. It is wise for WLL to put the brakes on leasing. There is plenty to work with at the moment.

Way to go, Tony!!!!!!! It seems that there are some guys that have some

incredible inside info that always seems to be negative or bad news.  The

majority of people would rather spread the bad news vs. the good.  I do not

know who I am referring to but.....if the damn shoe fits wear it.!!!

Jim Burgess

I heard DeSoto Rig #21 will begin moving from the Upshaw site to the Hollis site tomorrow. Also, there is no Rig sign up for DeSoto #20 at the Plum Creek location; if it was ever up it's not there now. I saw the rig at that location yesterday and it's still stacked.

Thanks, Sarah.  Both the Upshaw and the Plum Creek wells must be spud by a week from Saturday (8/31/13) under their current permits to drill.  SWN could apply for new permits after that date.  They don't seem to be in any hurry.

For what it's worth you can drive around the backroads and see pipeline flagging around Upshaw and Plum Creek sites. 

In addition to having a drilling subsidiary SWN has a mid-stream division.

The permit for the Hollis location is still shown as "expired" on SONRIS Lite, but as Skip said, I guess SWN could apply for a new permit at any time.



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