OPS GROUP LIMITED  issued a division order on 4/28/2012 for ROWE WELL 1-29 T19S R20W SEC 29.   Reference - API well number 03-027-11800-00-00, Permit number 43839.


See web site - not OPS but this is the same folks.
1030 Regional Park Drive
Houston, TX 77060
Original lease was to Infiniti Energy G P, LLC in Irving Texas signed in May 2008, 5 year term.
Contacted OPS and they are to provide me with an update on Monday 4/30/2012.  Will post any new information that I recieve.

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As of May 25th all that OPS would tell me is their client (Matador 5 out of Arkansas) has contracted them to operate the well.  Division order was sent out and now they are being told by Matador that legal verification of royalty owners interest is still underway.
I checked out Row 1-29 on the Arkansas Oil and Gas web site and find that the well has been in production since 8/1/11. 
I am wondering what the normal time is between first well production and when the royaty owners recieve their first check?  Comments are welcome.

For first sales, Payment is due 6 months after the date of sales.  If you have marketable title, then interest is due at 12% for late payment.  If you can, google Arkansas statute 15-74-601,15-74-602, 15-74-603,15-74-604.  This pretty much lays out what the operators responsibilities are to the royalty owners.


Thanks for the information.  Most helpful.

Still no information offered by OPS as to when royalty checks will be issued.  Have called numerous times with no answer.  Arkansas Oil and Gas web site shows additional months of production.  This well is active.  Any advice as to how to get information on the status of royalty distribution would be appreciated.


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