My dad owns about 60 acers in Lockhart La his property starts at conner of Iorn Moutian Rd. &Hwy. 3121 and goes north to Ark. border. does anyone know if there is any drilling near by




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There has been a well site cleared and prepared to drill on about 3-4 miles east of the property your dad owns.  It is actually in Section 12 and Section 1 where the drilling will take place.


Really appreciate it his property is west side of iron mout an where 3123 meets korn mout there is there its behind that. There also a 2 scare pond on land. Not sure if you are from area but his last name is Linder and his grandparents were risesingers any info u have defently will help I work for apache corp in the main pass rea not similar with land rigs
Do you know what they are excepting
Issthere some where I can pull this drawing up on internet
Really do appreciate this. The blot he's of orange what's that? All of this is a lil over my head I come in after its producing an operate



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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