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John, there is no allowable report posted to the SONRIS Classic well file at this time.  I don't know where the SONRIS Lite figure comes from.  One of the other wells that is also Shut In - Future Utility also got an allowable on SONRIS Lite recently.  There is no allowable report available for it either.

As North LA said earlier, the time period is very relevant. SONRIS Lite says the 2000 barrels is for the time period from 10/16/2012 to 10/26/2012, which would be around 180 to 200 barrels oil per day, more than double the rate indicated by the earlier allowable reported for the Dean. This sounds very encouraging to me for BD production from a vertical well.

Vertical wells in tight formations often have good initial flows but decline steeply and quickly.  Maybe SWN will tell us more about the Dean, Johnson and Doles wells in their next presentation.

HOUSTON, Oct. 15, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- In conjunction with Southwestern Energy Company's 2012 Third Quarter earnings release, you are invited to listen to its conference call that will be broadcast live over the Internet on Friday, November 2, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. EDT with Steve Mueller, President and Chief Executive Officer of Southwestern Energy Company.  Southwestern Energy Company announces the following Webcast:


Southwestern Energy Company's Third Quarter 2012 Earnings


November 2, 2012 @ 10:00 a.m. EDT



Live over the Internet -- Simply log on to the web at the address above or go to the Company's Web site:

If you are unable to participate during the live webcast, the call will be archived on the Company's Web site:  To access the replay, look under "Latest News." 


Louisiana DNR Glossary of Terms

ALLOWABLE The daily rate of oil or gas that a well is permitted by state authorities to produce during a given period.

Lacking an actual allowable test the state assigns temporary allowables based on well depth to facilitate the sale of hydrocarbons.

The allowable numbers for a well that hasn't been officially potentialed seem to be closely related to the actual total amount of oil produced or sold during the indicated period. For example, look at these allowables from SONRIS Lite for the BML well:


08/01/2012 thru 08/04/2012 = 747
07/10/2012 thru 07/27/2012 = 6133
07/01/2012 thru 07/09/2012 = 3191
06/14/2012 thru 06/30/2012 = 2947

These numbers are given to the exact barrel and, when divided by the number of days in the time period, they translate into the approximate BOPD reported by SWN. For the Dean well the numbers seem to be rounded, but I would guess they still represent the approximate total barrels produced or sold during the reported time period. So I think the numbers for the Dean look promising, but I agree with Skip that the critical factor will probably be the rate of decline.

You can spot a temp allowable easily.  It will be in round numbers like 2000.  And as odd as it may seem it is based on the depth of the well.  I called the SONRIS staff and asked some years back.  If rounded temp allowable amounts seem to coincide with actual production on a small number of instances it is circumstantial.

Thank you Skip>

Well allowables for Johnson well posted today.  9/15-9/24 is 25.

If the temporary allowables are based on the depths of the wells, why would the allowables for the Dean and Johnson differ so much?. Their measured depths are almost identical, according to SONRIS Lite.

Good question, obed.  I suggest that you contact the SONRIS staff, as I did, and ask.

16ck producing 5Bbls of oil an hour



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