103bopd at it's best over 24hrs.

Also 1009bowd and 200mcfd.

SWN said they targeted to lower third of the bd with the roberson and the upper third with the Garret. The Garret supposedly had better perm and a better oil show.

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Thanks for the information.


 I left one thing off.  SWN does not do well press releases and there would probably be nothing more to report until first quarter earning release/conference call.

they better do MUCH better, indeed.  I don't think anything coming out of the LSBD will ever get close to $100.00....

Mueller said the Garrett well had about 5 times better oil shows than the Roberson, whatever that means, and also better porosity and permeability, so I'm still hopeful. It may also happen that production from the Roberson will improve as they get rid of the frac water. I thought it was interesting that they apparently didn't see any oil until 8 days after flow-back started.

Link to article on magnoliareporter.com about SWN earnings conference call.





Must have been a nail-biter of a week, huh?

This is the best article on SWN and the Roberson well that has hit my in box so far.


I just noticed that Steve Mueller was saying earlier (for example, at the Credit Suisse conference) that the permeability of the BD in the Roberson well was about 0.1 millidarcy, while he is now saying 0.1 microdarcy, and the above link also says microdarcy. Which is correct, not that it will alter the actual production figures, but just for the record?

Nothing like a good dose of reason on a matter.  Nobody knows if it will be a success, but it certainly isn't time to give up just yet...

Mr. Mueller tends to become somewhat unclear when speaking extemporaneously. 


1.  n.  [Reservoir Characterization] ID: 10627

A standard unit of measure of permeability. One darcy describes the permeability of a porous medium through which the passage of one cubic centimeter of fluid having one centipoise of viscosity flowing in one second under a pressure differential of one atmosphere where the porous medium has a cross-sectional area of one square centimeter and a length of one centimeter. A millidarcy (mD) is one thousandth of a darcy and is a commonly used unit for reservoir rocks.

To futher the education of the darcy;

millidarcy = .001 darcy

microdarcy = .000001 darcy

Gravel = 100,000 darcys

Sand = ~1 darcy

Granite = .01 microdarcy

So I think Mr Mueller meant to say "millidarcy"

Thanks, Jim.  Much better explanation than my definition above.  Gives a whole new level of meaning to the term, "tight".


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