The Goldman Sachs Energy Conference is the first opportunity for SWN to make public statements regarding their Brown Dense Prospect since the latest horizontal wells have been connected to their pipeline system.  SWN has been vague concerning the decline rates in these wells because they were unable to flow them unrestricted by regulations limiting the flaring of natural gas.  The ability to flow the wells as they choose over extended periods of time should provide SWN with a good idea of the general decline curve.  By the conference date (Wed.) SWN should have over thirty days of experience with flow rates and decline characteristics. 

Southwestern Energy Company

Event Reminder

Goldman Sachs Global Energy Conference 2013


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Thanks, John.  I suspect that future presentations will place the Bakken in first place as to the New Ventures activities based on this well that SWN recently announced.

That does not seem to be very good results for this well Skip. Why do you think SWN will change focus.

The first SWN Bakken well portends much greater possibilities than the BD wells to date.  All E&P major and mid-major companies have multiple prospects being leased and explored at any given time.  I think SWN will flow their recently completed BD wells for an extended period now that they are connected to the pipeline.  We may have to wait a month or two to see if they file for any new well permits.  I'd like to see them invest capital in vertical wells drilled across the breadth of their leasehold before they call it a day.

We haven't even gotten any legit IP numbers on any of the wells yet...not to mention they are THE FIRST modern operator to really make any attempt at production from the lower smackover.  They also may have just leased in the wrong place. 

Dovetails with the info I get from another player with an interest in area wells. They are not overly-optimistic. The formation is way harder to crack than they expected and quoting a geologist from there, "will need the leading edge of the technology to be economic..."

Still looking for a sweet spot where perm can be increased more

Yep, everyone is going to the Bakken and 5 years from now they will be willy nilly after something else.



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