Energy Drilling Rig #7 reported "Moving On" the WLL Jackson - L - 23 - #1, S23 - 22N - 8W, Claiborne Parish, May 24.  Rig should spud Saturday, May 25.

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I enjoyed that tour, David.  However it wasn't the first well site I had visited by a long shot.  They were the first Haynesville Shale locations that I visited. Seems you have the same problem as you did four years ago.  You claim to have facts but can not share them.  Perhaps you could be a little more specific as to how it benefits mineral owners for an operator and/or drilling contractor to take 59 days to drill a ~10,000' well.

This is a very good lesson for landowners who have a tract they farm, plant, and/ or hold for their children. Land values never recover after a tract is used for a strike point, actual damage or not. All the more reason to be very careful when approached by leasing professionals. I was told how all of the problems SWN had were not possible with (WLL). This company had a reputation for getting it right. After the news leaked out, the leasing agent told me that his outfit had told WLL not to use the AIX rig. Seems to be a good excuse for everyone involved.

I hope the land owner at the strike point had a good agreement and/or the unit becomes productive. His/her land value will suffer either way.


I would advise the interested parties that were in the unit to contact WLL. If they want specifics to that well and what is going on they can go directly to the source. It's actually not yours or anyone else's business of proprietary issues outside of the mineral owners directly impacted by this well until they are made public. The proof of what I am saying will then be made clear to you and others at that time if they are willing to wait. 

I have a better memory than you think and I can also do research. I could be asking you specific questions about certain organizations with specific affiliation(s) to oil and gas leasing activities and business ventures involving investments where by giving advice to people on this site in the past may have steered landowners in a direction that may have benefited these entities. All in public records and legal but hidden under legal names, partnerships and LLC's. It is having this sort of information that helps one to begin to understand the benefits gained from misleading info and all out efforts to create confusion between who is trying to actually help and who is not on this site. 

Like me, there are some that have knowledge they can share enough of to help but cannot share everything. There is no other benefit to gain from sharing and certainly no benefit in sharing misleading or non-factual info. 

I am wondering why you find it is so terrible that this company may have chosen to take their time drilling this well.

I would also have to wonder why anyone would be using this as a platform to create distrust of this particular company and the drilling contractor. Sounds to me like there could be an ulterior motive that's my opinion based on speculation and a few facts that are public record.

Again the answer to your question: They could possibly be doing extensive coring and testing of certain formations to make sure they have all the necessary information they need to make intelligent decisions on how to move forward. They could be testing different techniques and/or equipment to see what works best for them and their drill program for future wells. All of which can and should benefit the mineral owner(s).



Thank you David. I have had the same thoughts. I hope everyone reads and understands your post !!

Gatrpaw, your treatise re:Jackson well is, IMO,  the most enlightening of all I have read on this site. Rumors are abundant. Some are planted for a reason. Regarding your mention of coring, I have often said that were I in charge of drilling a well I would start my core barrel at the surface and continue with it until I exhausted my budget. I guess this comes from working as engineering geologist for 30+ years. Usually, I heavily discount rumors unless I was on-site watching 24 hours a day. Yet, I hear many rumors that are true.

I have been in this business for more than 60 years. I vividly recall the earliest Smackover production in North Shongaloo - Red Rock Field. I grew up in the field. After several years of drilling intentional (?) dry holes the 10 year leases with 1/8th royalties started to expire. By the way, some of those leases from 1946 are still HBP and were drilled on last year. Formby well in S11, T23N, R9W, for example.

 At this point   some landowners refused to lease to original operator. Carter Oil Co. came in and leased and immediately established production. Just recently I heard a rumor from sixty years ago from a drilling superintendent who has been deceased for about 8 years. Not via a direct line, but close enough.

Take it all with a salt tablet!!!!  And Good  Luck to all of us.

I am shocked, shocked, yes I am shocked. There is someone, in the oil business and involved in mineral leasing, giving out free assistance and advice on an oil and gas blog with an ulterior motive? WOW, thanks for the scoop David. Skip, I still appreciate your advice. Tony, I am glad you have quit your vow to not post anymore on GHS. I will take the free advice over hope and publishers clearinghouse. Just my opinion.

Sorry George, but I have been busy looking for that Cotton Valley Curse you spoke of in the LSBD rumor thread. I could not find the curse. If you will give me directions, I will stop posting and start looking again. I did not check the publishers clearing house. Is that where it is?

I'm glad you agree there are people giving free advice on GHS with ulterior motives. We should get together for a drink and you can explain how this works and who benefits from this most valuable free assistance.

How about we meet in Cotton Valley and you can show me the CURSE while we are there.

Great sense of humor, Tony! And some points to ponder as well.

Okay, as long as you promise not to pout and threaten to tell your Mommie and not post ever again. Better than that, why don't we wait until you get a good division order from the Brown Dense? How are those friends that are afraid to post, are they still waiting for a check or is it Publishers Clearinghouse they are waiting for?

Speculation of what is happening with a well is suddenly sinister and connected to ulterior motives?  Really?  Since you can't count how many years it has been since the event you relate, I don't find your memory that good.  Once again innuendo without substance. 

LOL !! We shall see. :)

How about we keep this about information and facts and not make this personal? Thanks



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