Energy Drilling Rig #7 reported "Moving On" the WLL Jackson - L - 23 - #1, S23 - 22N - 8W, Claiborne Parish, May 24.  Rig should spud Saturday, May 25.

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Jon, I see that the above Whiting unit in Oaks Field has been approved by Field Order No. 888-E, issued Aug 1, 2013, and effective July 16, 2013.

Thank You Obed.

Drive by? Where did he go?

Sonlite #246327  Jackson L ETAL shows on 7/29/13 depth to be 11,000'.  Well status 09 (Active Injection Well).

SET 7 5/ TO 11000 W/  3370 SX

In the dark to what this means but at least something new.



Jon, the Scout report code 9 is also used for "In Test" but only in North Louisiana.  The more important portion of the report is the notation for setting 7 5/8" casing to 11,000'.  This size casing allows an operator the option of amending the permit to drill and converting from a vertical complietion to a horizontal completion.  It takes a casing of this size to accommodate the mud motor used to drill the curve and the lateral.  If the casing was 5 1/2" the operator would not have that option.  That WLL is willing to incur the increased cost to drill and set the larger casing is a good sign.  The 3370 SX simply is a notation of the sacks of concrete used to set the casing.

It should be very interesting if WWL should frac both wells at same elevation. if they do the fracs should coalesce  and fracture one hell of an area. Even if they frac the Jackson well as a vertical well. I would like to see them frac both wells simultaneously. Then perhaps they could come back to Jackson well and drill it horizontally utilizing data obtained from first frac.

According to my calculations the horizontal from Bailey well should pass within 450 to 500 ft from Jackson well.

Does this sound like a Rube Goldberg plan? So be it!!!


Mr. Sanders,

Have you been watching the march of Petro-Chem across the northern most parishes of Louisiana doing test horizontals in the Petite? It started in North Caddo Parish (actually N.E. Texas) and the march is still moving east and already in Claiborne Parish with some good results. Seems no one is watching the turtle and watching the Just wondering what your opinion is on this adventure.


The Pettit is something we have all been watching and it is moving east. As a matter of fact, Betsy Petroleum has been drilling wells inside the city limits of Magnolia Ar. for a while and having good, repeatable results, 30 bopd. SM Energy is also doing horizontals in the Pettit along the stateline in Bossier and an independent did a test a few miles west of Hwy 79 in Ar. Poor results but the operator said they had learned a lot. I think the zone is another target every operator is looking at. The LSBD might be a flop but it is bringing in interest that did not exist 4 years ago.

Gatrpaw, Yes, I have followed Petit since about 1952. I t is productive over very wide area. Lot of production.Look at all the Petit wells which Jon Welsh has drilled in recent years in Cotton Valley field. I think Petit may do well with horizontal drilling. Even with vertical drilling Petit wells tend to be long lived. For example, Horsehead field produced from about 1950 to 2012. I have small amount of land in that field.

77 DAYS DRLG @ 9768'  8/9/13

I guess if they were coring all the way to the salt dome it would take a while. It often takes several hours to core just a few feet in some formations. Once the core is cut,  the entire length of drill pipe has to be pulled from the hole to retrieve the core barrel. They remove the core barrel, load another core barrel, run the core barrel back to bottom and start the process over again. If one were coring several thousand feet of formations...go figure. One can google "coring oil and gas well formations" of "coring formations while drilling" to help understand what could possibly be going on.

What have you heard as to why they are doing this extensive testing at this particular spot? What is your guess, is this general area of the basin the most promising pressure wise? I am trying to understand the delay and your explanation of extensive coring. They definitely had mechanical problems the first three weeks, this is a fact. I am not doubting you, just want to see if you have any basis for your contention.



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