These are 320 acre units with varying orientations that are designed for vertical well development.

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AIX withdrew Unit HA RA SUU covering the eastern half of Section 1 - 22N - 7W or there would be seven units covered in the application. 

Stupid question. Is there a benefit to AIX in unitizing these sections? Would this help, if Horizontals are drilled later.

320 acre units are too small for traditional horizontal drilling, the units are both east/west and north/south in orientation which is not consistent with horizontal drilling practices and the unit application does not include the usual regulatory language which signifies that the applicant intends to drill horizontal wells.  This application is structured for vertical development.

AIX permits  #245664  &  #245665  11/13/12

I looked up the permits on Sonris but I have no idea how close Haynesville East field is to Oaks field, which I have land on.  I am trying to be patient and hope all this is the real deal and they find a great deal of oil since the natural gas prices have not helped me at all with the Haynesville Shale.  I am in a good spot being in southern Caddo but they drilled one good well in my section and now all activity is dead.  Thanks for listing the permits.

I don't know if this is still relevant or not, but I own some land in Oaks Field and had a pretty good well there back in the 80's.  I still remember a conversation I had with the geologist that was working with this well.  He told me back then, that the oil was in a very tight formation in rock and it was more like a stream than a pool.  We were lucky because they had apparently hit the oil formation in the right spot.  There was another well drilled very close by that was abandoned because it only had gas.  The well was drilled about 10,500 feet and was a pretty good producer for about 10 years.  I don't know if the "Brown Dense" is something different, but I am still hopeful they can get some of the 70% of the oil that is left down there according to what the geologist told me.  We just leased the property last year and now they are going to do seismic test in the area.  It would be nice to have a few good producers before I get too much older.  I am crossing my fingers and hoping something amazing happens.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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