Recently came across an OLD oil ,gas, mineral lease from M.L Bath Co ? ... How would I find out if it's real , still leased , expired ? Or is it possible to release ? I know it seems like a lot of questions but I guess it's from around WWII timeframe or later ? Any info would be apriciated thank you

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To a J.E Marshall ... We all know who he is "! but how would I find out about the lease ? Contact ? Anyone have this same experience ? Thnx

We live in a part of the world where oil and gas exploration and development has been active for 100 years.  During early booms anyone with a little money or the gift of gab was buying and selling leases.  That's where the "form" lease originates and M. L. Bath in Shreveport, LA. has produced millions of pads of blank lease forms in dozens of different variations for much of that 100 years.  Are you related to J. E. Marshall?  Whether the lease remains in force depends on the mineral history of the lands it covers.  You'll need to use the legal description on the lease to determine the exact lands and then determine whether continuous production has maintained the lease.

Hello again Skipp, hope all is well .. This was a lease agreement between my grandpa and J E Marshall no relation that I know of . The document only stated to and from and no others were found yet . Did they have long term lease agreements back then? To my knowledge no one had Recieved any compensation for the lease , I was under the impression that the bath n Grahm co. Was the company that leased it . Thank you for the info on the stationary . From what I have dug up I see Marshall oil co is very unreliable and possibly going under ? If so can we take offers from others ? Thanks for your time

Hi, Eric.  What is the effective date of the lease and what section-township-range does it cover?

I wish I had better news but it doesn't say . I will keep digging and let you know ASAP .. This seems kinda bazaar if you ask me"I will be in touch



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