For those interested in Kelley 19, serial # 239582, located in T15 R14, Sec. 19,
The drilling rig is down as of 06/15/09.
It amazes me how fast they can put those drilling rigs up and take them down.

Tags: 19, ETAL, Kelley

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Hey Jay,
This was a big HA depth rig that was put up in March. Apparently they've finished drilling. Last entry on Sonris was at 15,000 plus feet but the report is a few weeks dated. I'm going to drive down to the site today and take some pictures.
Wow ! That's fast. I think these drilling companies have got it down to a fine art now. The drilling company on Kelley 19 was Nomac.
Jay, that is consistent with recent comments by several operators - that they believe drill times will get down to the 35-40 day range especially when they start the pad drilling mode.
LP, by the way the official spud date was April 9th.
Right. They did put up a small rig on March 20th. I'd been out of town and came home to find that rig up and visable from my property. They moved that one out in a few days and put up the large rig and then poked the hole in the ground.
There was a huge difference between the drilling time and lack of noise with the Kelley 19 compared to Nelson 18 which I could also see from my property. Nelson 18 was noisy. Kelley 19 was all but silent.
I live in Sec. 19 where is the site located
It's off of Stonewall-Preston Rd, just before Story Rd. on the right coming from Hwy 171. I was at the site a little while ago and talked to some Nomac Drilling. They said there will be another rig brought in to bring the gas up and complete the well. Then connect it to the pipeline. They didn't have (or said they didn't) any numbers on the pressure. This is a Chesapeake well so it's always closed mouth on their stuff.
Sec. 21 of T15 R14 Desoto got their rig today. Hope it is drilled and running in less that 40 days.
Congrats on your new well. Hope it's a monster.
So far, I believe most of the wells in N. Desoto have been really good. Does anyone know of any exceptions?
Does anyone have any updates on the Kelley 19?
I heard a lot of noise coming from it yesterday. Think they were fracing.



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