We have 10 acres in DeSoto (in Logansport) and wonder how to even find out what's happening. We haven't received any correspondence at all from anyone except in the very beginning from an independent landman with a rediculous offer.

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I believe my mother has the original purchase documents to the land (it was my father's family). They've owned it for many, many years and think it was before 1930 but will have to check that to be sure. What if all of the above is null and we have full rights?
I doubt that everything is null if you are getting a small check and have 10 acres. I am looking into things in that neck of the woods and if you are in what I am doing, I will look into it for you. If you will give me the Section, Township and Range, I will see if it is in what we are doing.
here is the info on our 10 acres. Hope this is right. SE4 of the SW4 Section 31, Township 12n, Range 15W

Thanks for any help!
Les, here is the info on our 10 acres. Hope this is right. SE4 of the SW4 Section 31, Township 12n, Range 15W.

Thanks for any help!
Andrea you have 4 producing Hosston wells and an 1 old well drilled back in 1942. I bet that you are HBP.
Les, did you get this info? I'll post again and appreciate any help you, Skip or anyone else can offer. I'll continue to also check Sonris.
Andrea, I took a quick peek at the wells in your section and I agree with Two Dogs.
Thanks Skip, our gas royalties come from EOG currently but was a different company several years ago. Not sure about HBP. I just spent some time on Sonris but didn't see much (or just don't know what the heck I'm looking at - LOL) but will continue to monitor. I'm sure we'll hear something from somebody at some point.
Andrea, your lease has likely been transferred from one company to another over time, as is often the case, as long as production continues and maintains the original lease in force. There is continuous, economic production from the wells holding your old lease. Therefor, you will receive income from any Haynesville Shale production based on the terms of the original lease. EOG is an experienced and capable operator. I hope they drill you some outstanding wells.
Well we should become familiar with the original lease. Does that mean that we most likely will not hear from anyone concerning any offers, it will just be automatic once drilling starts in the area (if it does)? Or should we pursue more information?

A question in response to Les's next response, do they just automatically start drilling with no contact to us or should we expect some sort of correspondence?
Louisiana Department of Conservation regulations do not require mineral interests within a unit to be notified when a well permit is applied for or granted. You must keep up with that yourself. And yes you should obtain a copy of the original lease for your files.
Andrea, sorry about not posting earlier. The only information I can add is EOG has four Haynesville Shale wells in Section 30 north of you with three aleady spudded so your section probably should be drilled soon.


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