We have 10 acres in DeSoto (in Logansport) and wonder how to even find out what's happening. We haven't received any correspondence at all from anyone except in the very beginning from an independent landman with a rediculous offer.

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Andrea, the best way to track development activity in your area is to learn the simple searches of the SONRIS Lite database maintained by the LA. Dept. of Natural Resources/Office of Conservation. You will know when your section receives a permit to drill and can track drilling in progress. You can also is what is happen around your section, what operators are active, productivity of completed wells, sections with wells and their status, etc. Use the tutorials on the SONRIS Help Center Group page, and ask questions. Good Luck.

Thanks Skip, I'm learning on Sonris but here is the info on our 10 acres. Hope this is right. SE4 of the SW4 Section 31, Township 12n, Range 15W if you or anyone knows about the area.

Read further down in this discussion, and see my post from yesterday. EOG has unitized 31-12-15. They have not filed a permit to drill.
Andrea, can you provide your Section-Township-Range?
If you get Les B a section township and range he can give you lots of info.
If you have 10 acres in Logansport you need to get on top of things!!!!!!!!!!
The lease bonus could pay off your house and you could get royalty checks bigger than paychecks cried Jack Blake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well we are disappointed that we have had so much trouble hearing anything. And the companies are impossible to get info from. We've tried contacting them all. We just want to know how to even see if they are drilling, etc. Don't they contact you before actually drill on your property? I thought we'd be fighting off rediculous offers! LOL
Logansport has a lot of wells that have been producing since the 1930s, you may not own minerals.
We do have some gas royalties (small ones) coming in that we've had for many years. We do own the rights to the minerals.
You are then probably HBP, held by production and not in control of the leasing of your minerals. Someone leased them for you and you will get royalty under the terms of their lease.
The gas lease is with EOG but not sure who HBP is. And not at all sure what that means to have someone else lease them. How can someone lease our property without consent?
I suppose we first need to find out if there is anything going on then try to find out more info.
Lets say that someone before you in title granted a lease covering the surface of the Earth down to China. The lessee drilled a well down to 1000 feet and found oil and it has been producing since 1937. You own the minerals but you are under contract to sell them to the lessee for whatever the contract says and you don't have control of granting mineral leases.


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