Patiently waiting: Is anything happening or are there sign of anything maybe happening in Desoto Parish, S31 T11N R12W, yet?

Anyone live by or traverse this area?
Any signs of activity?
Clearing land?
Anything at all?

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I am wondering the same thing. I wish I lived in Louisiana so I can check for myself. Mums the word with my family in Grand Cane... (Sigh!)
I am sec 20 t-11-r-15 , not real close to grand cane where is your place located?
VSC'O' still no word on how well has done on old Harris property. This rig was moved to the Guy property near the Hudson Darby road. The Section you are asking about is in on of my old hunting leases. Still have family that hunts there. on activity except cutting timber i believe on cleco land.
Any news on Harris well?

Also, DYST_IP, where is the Guy property? Approximately how many miles and in which direction from the Harris well? Do you have a STR for it?
Any news on how many rigs SWEPI is running in this area now? I know they've filed for multiple units in the area, but wondering if they were still going full-bore...... also, any info on whether they're doing their laterals or instead drilling vertical wells and completing, then shutting in, waiting on better gas price to do their laterals/horizontals....I heard that they might actually be drilling thru the Cotton Valley and completing rather than even penetrating the Haynesville....not making big wells, but enough to HBP the leases. Any

Any truth to that?
This is all just my opinion, and I do not live local to the area but have interests in this section:
"I know they've filed for multiple units in the area, but wondering if they were still going full-bore.." , SWEPI was not in a rush or frenzy like CHK, they are moving at their pace which is much slower. They appear to still be at that pace. i think they are in a position to continue with their plan, whatever it is/was because they have not an US company and although the economic problems are global they are not so harshly affected. I was told they planned to be drilling in this area by end of year or may be pushed back to spring of next year.
The folloowing from a landman, so take it for what it is worth)"any info on whether they're doing their laterals or instead drilling vertical wells and completing, then shutting in, waiting on better gas price to do their laterals/horizontals",(a landman told me this, so take it for what it is worth). Yes, they are planning on going horizontal. I did not ask about HBP or shutting in. Same landman has previously mentioned to me that in this section most of the lease are near their end so SWEPI wants to get moving here so they do not have to release. Considering the lease bonuses are not as high as they were earlier this year they may not have that much of an incentive. If they can lease at low rates they may want to let them terminate and the owners are on their own. The competition is not that fierce right now so they may not be so eager to run after landowners.
Let's face it Shell is not as hungry as CHK, Petrohawk and some of the other players who have businesses depend on this play. Shell this is only 1 of many interests for Shell and its not a certain one right now.

Last, considering the problems they have had with the previous wells in the area, I would like them to make their mistakes before they get to my unit. So once they get going they can get it done and procuding without problems.
I agree with some of your comments, but doubt they will want to take the risk of losing some of the "higher bonus" leases that they paid for to their competition, such as CHK or Petrohawk.....agree that the lease bonus won't necessarily be as high as in the past, but if prices rebound next year (for whatever reason) there will be a renewed focus to maintain leases.



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