Does anyone know the current price per rod for ROW? I have land off of 171 in between Trenton & Benson (south of Mansfield)

Tags: Desoto, Parish, Pipeline, ROW

Views: 360

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$450 per rod for gathering line plus any damages and plus the attorney fees is pretty fair. However, what you can get can be affected by what the terms are of your mineral lease, whether gathering line is for a well in your section, etc. Remember also that this pipeline ROW might be in effect for 100 years or more and that you are giving up the use of the land for anything other than pasture for that time. I would suggest getting an attorney and then have the o&g company include money in whatever amount might be agreed upon to cover the legal fees.
I hired an attorney, and he was well worth it. But, gee, the pipeline company was paying me a ton of money -- I figured I could pay the attorney fees myself.
I have a pipeline question. I own a forty square w/ road frntg on Hwy 171. They are wanting to put a 16" feeder line parallel to the hwy. ie. pipeline will go across the entire front portion of the 40 -- 20 feet or so back from the hwy. If someone wants to put a well on my 40 and has to cross the pipeline, what kind of servitude do I need in the agreement? And what type of crossing has to be built in order for a rig and heavy equipment to cross over the pipeline?
We wrote in our last ROW that the line would be buried a minimum of 60" under any road or crossing. The portion that ran parallel to the road was buried twice as deep as the line on the property. I would definitely communicate your concern to the pipeline company. They don't want a blown line either.



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