Professional Assistance Needed - But what type of help do I need?

My family apparently has mineral interests scattered across several parishes in NW Louisiana. I receive notices weekly about various hearings and the like. I have employed an attorney in North Louisiana but I am not certain that he can/should research all this. We have done a history on some of the property (I cannot remember the term for this survey) and it was extensive and expensive. I am not certain that I can afford for my attorney to research this! What kind of professional person does research work? How do I find such an individual? I have extensive files that might be of help.

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I am sorry, I do not know of any person or persons that will do this cheap. All attorneys I know of are expensive. The attorney I use is Randall Davidson of Shreveport. But he's not cheap either, but more reasonable than most. Sorry I can't help you more.
The oil companies will do the research and fix the problems if you are under lease. You may check with Skip Peel who is a site sponser of this site, I think he does some independent work into research. Abstract companies do research, then forward the research to an oil & gas attorney that will render a title opinion on the subject properties. The title work that you have already done may be all you need. It will need to be updated to the present to get a true picture of what you own.
Thank you, we did abstract work (over 1,000 pages worth) in one township.

I am grateful for your suggestions.



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