I'm trying to get a better handle on the EURs for the wells in southeastern DeSoto Parish.  For example, when I look at #240586, the SWEPI "Rocking G Farms 30" in 30-11-11, I see a well with a very high IP (17 mmcf/day) and high pressure (8519#).  But I don't see great production over the last 18 months (under 1.5 Bcfe).

Is the less-than-stellar production the result of SWEPI choking the well back, or is there something else going on that keeps the well from giving better production? 

Can anyone offer an information?

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Do this mean anyone with a 'fair market value','no cost' lease even those with a company other than CHK, can now charge for transportation costs? Would each company have to go to court to sue for the right to add the transportation costs? Was there something unique about the language in this lease that would not apply to everyone with these two clauses?

So far no transportation costs have been deducted but if that will be coming, I'd like to be aware of it. I think I need to go reread my lease again....

Need information on price paid to Royalty owners in the Brushy Bayou area of DeSota Parish. For the January 2013 production we were paid $3.38 per MCF, then on the February production, we were paid $2.32 per MCF. my property is in sec 34 of Brushy Bayou area. XTO drilled and produces the gas but my lease is with CHK. In checking with CHK about this, they said that is what XTO paid them for the gas. I smell some really rotten fish here. Please let me hear from you.  I need all the information I can get, with that, we may be able to get the state Attorney Generals office to look into this. I have some information but need more.


Please accept my friend request, and I'll send you my prices.


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