Out walking this afternoon, noticed crane and noise from S/N 240455, HA RA SUV;DONNA DUNN 19 H #1 well site. I have not seen any frac equipment or trucks, but could have missed them. 

At any rate if you're following this section, they're working!

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The rig is back on this site. Anyone know whats going on. Drilling a new well, Working on old one?

Workover rig snubbing production tubing in the well bore. Was told it will be back to producing soon.
FXEF, I heard yesterday that Sec. 19 had a vertical Haynesville but no laterals because of a fault. Have you heard that? The source I heard it from was not that reliable, so consider the source.

The Donna Dunn 19H #1 is a horizontal.
Total Depth: 11860'/ 15437' /
PERFS 12,160-15,307'

I was told that the Green Rives 21H #1 was to only have vertical fracs, however there is no frac data on SONRIS to support that. Only thing SONRIS shows is Total Depth:12194'/12765', looks like a very short lateral.

I'm guessing someone got sections 19 and 21 mixed up.
Green Rives Well Scout indicated that the lateral was still drilling at 12,765'. It seems short because it has not reached its MD "Measured Depth".

Crescent Directional Drillers did a MWD survey on 3-11-2010 and showed MD: 12765' and TVD: 12194.67' (SONRIS WELL ENGINEERING/MECHANICAL document). The next day (3-12-2010) Nabors started rigging down and moved to section 18. I am pretty sure that 12765' is the total MD, however there is not any data to show where the perforations are located. I was told by an Encana Rep. that it was to be completed as a vertical well, but no data to support that.

Believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see. — Mark Twain
FXEF, you are correct. And I like Twain. It just seems strange that Encana would purposely drill a well that would appear be uneconomic. Yes, there is a fault in the section kittycatmama but Encana and the rest of the operators know it's location.
So there is a fault in Sec. 19 or in 21? I love Mark Twain too. "Letters to the Earth" is my favorite.
Kittycatmama. Section 21, not 19. The Elm Grove Fault. FXEF, looking at the well plat, this is the absolute worst part of the section to drill in drilling south from this surface location.
How can one tell via Sonris how many frac stages are in a well? I looked at 19-14-14 that you posted info on but couldn't figure out the frac info.
The completion documents for a well are on SONRIS Classic, not SONRIS Lite. But you can get there from the SONRIS Main Page by clicking on "Document Acess". Choose well permit to drill as document type, input well s/n and check the box for Get associated documents.
Wow, that is mega helpful....and to think I could've been checking that all along omg. Thanks so much.


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