I have 35 acres unleased and wanted to know if anyone lease their land in this area? This is in the Dollet Hill mine area.

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I have a friend of mine in that area. He is still under an old lease from 40 years ago. I do not know his section or range but I know it is near the mine. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Yes, we were bared for 30 years and now we would like to get it under lease. Let me know if you here of anything Crunchy. Thanks
Are you wanting to know about the south 35 acres of the SE/NE?
I know of one lease, in that area, for $10,000/acre a few months back.

Samson is the operator who is filing unit applications and then drilling the wells in this area, specifically 12 11 11 and 11 11 11. I would recommend contacting Skip Peel. Due to the rules of the site he may not be able to solicit his services to you but I don't think there are any rules that say I can't recommend him. Good luck.
I took a few leases in Section 10 over the winter. This was for a company that shut all leasing down. I have heard that Samson, this week from someone in an adjacent section that Sampson has bought some recent leases in the area but this person also said that they have quit buying leases. When I was working the area some mineral owners thought they could hold out and get more money. As it turned out they got nothing, so far. The coal mine has caused some tracts of land in the area to remain HBP for years.
Two Dogs,
I spoke with a rep from the lignite company. I was told that the lignite company will allow gas drilling in some sections, but not in others. It all depends on whether a gas well can be drilled without interrupting the lignite operations. I got the sense that if a unit is formed, this is done with the cooperation of the lignite company. I don't think they were going to let gas companies form up drilling units, and then find out only later, that they could not drill.
on friday i got a unit application from chesapeake for 9 11 11. this application was for haynesville only. all other notices i have received for that area have included cotton valley and hoston with the haynesville. Samson has 11 11 11. i don't know who will unitize 10 11 11.
Olddog, can you post the field name and the unit name for the application.
i can do better than that.
Olddog, thanks for the information.
here is another application for the mine property. its petrohawk for 15 11 11.


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