Does anyone have information on Sec 26?

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Hello Skip,

Thanks for the feedback. We are novice to the natural gas industry. Based upon the information you stated, can we expect royalties to paid on our section as well, or can we expect to be in a holding pattern until the another well is placed on section 26? What does "prove up" refer to ?

scott. If you own minerals in Section 26, you will not receive royalty from the production of Petrohawk's DeSoto Parish Police Jury 35H. The 35 is Section 35, to your immediate south, and the "H" stands for horizontal. The horizontal lateral from this well has perforations in Section 35 although the surface location is in Section 26. This is what it looks like on the SONRIS Scout Report:

200' FSL & 2290' FEL OF SEC 26. PBHL: 250' FSL & 2290' FEL OF SEC 35.

The surface location is 200' From the South Line (FSL) and 2290' From the East LIne (FEL) in Section 26. The PBHL (Planned Bottom Hole Location) in 250' From the South Line and 2290' From the East Line in Section 35. It is quite common for a well to be drilled from a surface location in an adjoining section as this allows the operator to drill the longest allowed lateral in the section to be produced. "Prove up" means that the good results of this well infer that your section should have comparable production.
The well plat looks like this:

Noticed the plat details posted for 26; I just found out yesterday that they were drilling in Sec 17 T-11 R-15. Could you please advise where I could locate a plat like you posted above for the well location in 17 that was permitted.
Thank you,
Go to the Office of Conservation Website (link below). In the left hand column Click on Well Records under Imaging. On the search form under Office select Office of Conservation then under Document Type select Well Permit To Drill/Amend and enter the well Serial Number. Please note that this is not a portion of the SONRIS Lite database. It is advisable to access the database utilizing IE as your browser and download the required plugins.
Thank you Skip; will give it a try.



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