I watch Dept. of Conservation, Sonris, online Desoto courthouse records and the Holly Field is without a doubt the busiest of all fields. Also it is the field getting all the gas factories. Encana, Chesapeak, Encana, Exco, and now El Paso are doing the gas factory concept. Is it because it is so good in the field, or because it is close to major pipelines??

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CHK has multiple-well sections?  Doing gas factories?  Where?

Township 14N - 15W:  Sections 2-4 (8 alternate wells each), 9-11 (4 each) and 14-16 (8 each).  These are alternate unit wells that CHK is applying for state approval.  They have not yet been approved or permitted.
wouldn't that be the same gas factory concept  Encana is utilizing just east of there in the Holly Field
All Full Development plans look basically the same regardless of the company or their choice of a name for the concept.  The technical details will certainly vary but the appearance and the goal will be the same, to produce as much gas as possible with the smallest cost/Mcf.  They are the tangible, real world example of the "manufacturing" analogy that has been discussed from the early days of The Play as one the greatest advantages of developing unconventional reservoirs.  Repeatable results, small footprints and shared infrastructure are common to all the designs however there will be years of tweaking and improving on the concept.  The industry has a large inventory of drillable HA/BO locations for decades to come.
that pocket in the Holly and far eastern Bethany Longstreet Field has to be a core area for so much development to be taking place
It is a good area but much of the reason behind the level of development has to do with the companies active there.  EXCO has the best long term gas sales contracts around through their partner, BG.  CHK developed much of its Bethany Longstreet and surrounding leasehold with a nice drilling carry from PXP.  EnCana made the tough corporate decision to pull back from offering new leases and to drop some existing leases to put those development dollars into drilling in existing units.  They had the capital to do that.
Skip, this is kinda off topic on this discussion but are you hearing anything about Sec. 1 of 13/15, also in Bethany Longstreet. This is just north of Grand Cane. Exco applied to DNR to drill 8 wells back in the spring but no permits have shown up
No, I haven't heard anything concerning that section however keep in mind that unit orders for alternate unit wells are good indefinitely.  It is not unusual for an operator to get that approval step out of the way even though they may have no intent in the near term to drill those wells.  It helps to have a more flexible drilling schedule.
that section is hbp from an adjacent section on an old lease. No haynesville wells in sec. 1 yet. Exco just applied to go in with 8
Going north on 171 this morning thru kickapoo its a new well on the right look like the same place the well was in 18 14-14? What section is this new well in?



What your are seeing is a workover rig on the Land & Knowles 18H well. Most likely installing production tubing and packer. What you are seeing is not a new well.


Why will a well need a workover? Dont know just asking. Heard anymore news for Sec 7, 18, 19  t14-14 

Thanks for all ur info!


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