TOWNSHIP-14N RANGE 12-W kix butt- HOWEVER all the fun could end!!!!!

We are being bombarded with new wells in section's 17, and my personal favorite, 20. Exco is planning to drill this one out.  I want to WARN everyone though that OBAMA'S poison agenda could end all the fun.  He has sent the EPA after us in an attempt to dictate drilling priveleges and his cap and trade bill will do the same,  MAKE NO MISTAKE OUR INDUSTRY IS UNDER ATTACK AND IF CAP AND TRADE IS PASSED- it will shut down drilling in the shale, This is no joke, if all the tax incentives are removed it's game over for our industry.  Spread the word now and let's unite for we all have alot to lose, if his assault on us continues, HE can and will find a way to confiscate our property and mineral rights.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Do you know what "cap and trade" is?
Well, it seemed the whole damn country was against Obamacare, that didn't seem to matter to those left wing scumbags on the hill.
I agree that we all have alot to loose and that's why we all have the right to vote the bums out!! So don't just get mad but use your voting privledge and remove them !!!
OMG, I guess when you have a tough crap, Obama is hiding behind the crapper. And obviously you're clueless about Cap and Trade and how it would relate to natural gas demand. Again, there is a POLITICS forum at this site. Why don't you camp over there? Take responsibility and quit blaming Obama and Democrats for all your problems. Give it a rest.
If such a thing as "clean coal" exists, it will cost way more than what we want to pay for it. If the shale gas plays pan out as advertised and our economy continues to improve, NG should reach a reasonable price high enough for some money to be made but still low enough to be attractive for the power generators and other industries to make long term commitments to burn it in quantity. BTW, since this was all posted a while back, Cap and Trade has pretty much bit the dust in favor of most likely some form of carbon tax--which again will heavily favor NG over coal. However, we all know the coal lobby is immense and powerful.

My apologies for pretty much stating the obvious. And Lethal, I do apologize for a tone that was too strident.
OMG/// WOW!!! You mean that you can spout but others must move to another venue to do so. It is OBAMA'S MESS so own it and we'll give it a rest. Hopefully things will improve and we can all move on.
You haven't seen me spout about politics except to point out there is a place on the forum for them. There's a difference between discussing policy differences and opening a discussion ranting about Obama and stuff unrelated to the forum.
drill, I have no problems, but I guarantee we will all will soon. (If you work anyway)



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