Cat equipment arrived yesterday in Pennington to start road for pad. 3.5 inches of rain last night halted this action. Hopeful for the end of the week. Still looking for drilling permit to be posted.

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I use to work for Scan so I still keep up with them. Just google Scan Drilling and there rig locations will give you all there info.


That is very good information.  I also noticed on the link that their Scan Glory was moving today from the Eastham Prison (Navidad) to the Ferguson Unit.

We are Lucky to have you Lucky  

  The Glory rig (has had steady work in this area) is or will be in Madison Co. just across the Trinity River from where it was   ------- Wonder if any of the other drilling companies have a rig "locator" site  like this ?  I know Basin #103 has been doing the drilling for Trivium but I don't find that service for them ?

Patterson has a GIS Map: that shows 3 rigs in Grimes County.

Basin doesn't have a large number of rigs.  If they aren't on your Rig Data report... they are out of our area or in the yard.

I believe Basin only has three rigs. Basin 101 had steady work for awhile with Navidad but seems Glory has now takin that over.

OK, so I was a little early on the rain.  Stay safe down there

Interesting Jffree,

    It would seem that Patterson has a rather large number of AVAILABLE rigs ------- I would have thought they would all be busy testing all these prospects ?

A lot of the rigs under 1000 HP are likely not top drive rigs and are not desirable for the horizontal wells. Not sure why some of their inventory of the 1000+ HP rigs aren't operating through. 

Exco was using Patterson, almost exclusively, in Nacogdoches.  We looked at two of their rigs, last year, that were built (in China) just for the high pressure work in Nac. and now they are all moved out of this area.  

I used the coordinates from TRRC to locate the location of the three XTO Pennington well locations.  I thought it might be useful if someone happened to be making a "Sunday drive". 

My neighbor flew over the Penny Lane site and sent me a picture.  Pad and road looks finished.  Sludge pit is deep.

 "My neighbor flew over Penny Lane"  --- Air Traffic Control  needs to set up a radar station in Houston County to "control" all these "spy flights" or we are going to have a midair lol

   Believe the well locations are highly accurate Vernon but "Pennington" belongs up in the curve where the 287 is  ---- I realize this is the map makers issue and not yours ---- This makes it pretty clear why some call this the "Pennington Triangle Play"

Vernon, can you post the Penny Lane picture? On the map Abbey rd flag might should be alittle left---it wouldl actually form a perfect triangle. NO official messages that Penny Lane will see any action-XTO usually sends a recorded message to the landowner about 1-2 days before changes.



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