Cat equipment arrived yesterday in Pennington to start road for pad. 3.5 inches of rain last night halted this action. Hopeful for the end of the week. Still looking for drilling permit to be posted.

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   Reportedly something "should" be happening up on "Abbey Road" by now any one been over that way ?

Based on its depth, the

Based on its depth, the XTO / Exxon prosect at Pennington is for gas. They are probably getting cold feet about spudding.

Here are the pictures of the XTO Penny Lane pad:



Aerial photos match up with TRRC coordinates using Google Earth -


Thanks so much!-great pic

Yep great pic -------- were they taken out of one of those ultralights with a weedeater motor ?

"were they taken out of one of those ultralights with a weedeater motor ?"

No, not exactly - see attached.


 Thanks Vernon,

  That looks like the definition of FUN to me ---------- that looks like an Aeronca Champ with a 65 HP Continental  engine ?----- cruise at about 80 and stall at about 40 ?     Great Camera Platform for the "Snoopy" spy work and shooting @ "REVOLVER"

 On another note can anyone explain the different style of "PIT" seen in the "Penny Lane" photo that XTO seems to be using ?

It is a Aeronca Champ 7AC.

Neighbor told me that "The square-top deep sludge pit vs. typical long & shallow is a XTO/EXXON characteristic."

Here is another pic


BTW - The Trinity-Houston Counties AWL BID'NESS 'spy plane' (Snoopy) advises he "will be shooting Revolver (no pun intended) and the Abbey Road XTO well sites within the week and will furnish same for posting."



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